I saw the one in Europe, but not the American one. If I see a used one in Canada (Canuck Audio Mart), I will likely grab it.
There are still lots that I didn’t list. As far as the Elegia’s go, they have been $379.00 to $399.00 for the last year with the right link to Adorama.
But, of course you are correct when it comes to folks not in the US. That makes it a lot more complicated. And expensive. I know all ALL about it. I live in Canada and those Elegia’s were $650.00, landed in Canada. Then another $100.00 for Dekoni Stellia pads.
But still the entry level has lots of choice at good prices.
Of course there is much more selection in IEM’s. They are much easier and cheaper to make. You don’t have to worry about pads, headbands, looks, etc. It is a whole different ball game with headphones vs IEM’s.
And I just thought of another one:
Apos Caspian at $499.00. Another one I am quite curious about.
Haven’t seen it here, so…Beyerdynamic DT880/600 ohm. Love mine for jazz & busy orchestral pieces as it has a fairly wide soundstage, maintains separation, timbre is good, and detail is amazing. A bit of low end boost gives them more body without losing the bass “tautness.” List is $220, but often on sale…got mine new for $140. Would like to hear them on a BHC!
I had those for several months, but they just never won me over. And they really do need a good amount of power.
I have to admit that I have been underwhelmed by a lot of the “Classic’s”. Not impressed by DT880 (600 Ohm), HD6XX (Twice!), HD600 (Twice!), HD58X’s, HD660’s, Sundara’s, Shure 1540’s, OPPO PM3’s, Night Owl Carbons’s, etc. I have done a lot of bargain shopping in the last 7 years and almost none of it has paid off.
Except that it taught me what I do like.
I mean they do always have used ones on hand too for $400 and that deal is because of how many people think they can drive them. Though now that I’ve officially had 4 die on me, I’m not sure I’d get the used ones lol. They’re cheap enough new at $550 to warrant the price difference and intact warranty IMO.
I hate to keep saying it (I am afraid I will curse myself), but I Love my HE6se V2’s with the right amp!
are you gonna try the HE 560 v4’s or whatever they are called?
Not me. “If” I was ever to buy another pair of open HiFiman’s, it would be the HE1000 series and likely used. Probably still way too expensive for me.
What does pique my interest is the new HE-R9. I recently saw an open box for $449.00. I am reading some very good things about these closed backs. And at $450.00 (open box only), they would even qualify for this thread.
well, the HE-1000 are hella more spensif than the 560 v4.
/ thread
If it works
Yep. After all my hemming and Hawing about them, they (the XS, that is) turned out to be really good. These have to be in the top 3 at this particular point in time in my humble opinion.