Ugly/queerly looking and uncomfortable IEMs, buds and ....sources -)

If about the SIE :flushed::flushed::flushed:

Yeah sorry
was going for ugly
but did hear they are not the most comfortable either

I guess this is an ā€œif you knowā€¦ you know momentā€¦ā€

Perhaps I donā€™t have a suitable wardrobe of peacocking Phillipe Plein, gold swans as my bathroom faucets or drive a mansory edition to appreciate the attraction of gold electroplating :man_shrugging:

For for me - If you are not an arms dealer, Arab Sheikh, Oil Baron or Donald Trumpā€™s stylist itā€™s going to be hard to pull this off without direct unwanted attention be it from thieves, middle aged women with too much plastic surgery, shittalkers or the fashion police.

Plus i would run the risk of my grandmother thinking itā€™s an earing to match her gold bags & shoes so - theft risk all aroundā€¦




you following my lead brotherā€¦Iā€™m warning youā€¦never apologizeā€¦

except maybe to wife

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what did I sayā€¦here come the butt hurt

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So far I can see that it is ugly along with uncomfortableā€¦ :nerd_face:
But there are exceptions, of course.

More Chinese goldā€¦ Maybe not so ugly to us, but extremely uncomfortable I guess.

ā€¦ and ladies and gentlemen, a FR you can retire with :smile:

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:rofl: :rofl: :shushing_face:


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Well this thing was uncomfortable for sure

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I Vividly remember the first time I tried e2xr. DAYMM !! It was very grewsome and Terrifying experience. I put it in, and it just violated my ear holes. Nothing went that deep in my ears. And when I took them out :face_vomiting::nauseated_face::nauseated_face:, you can understand what I am trying to say. I never touched another etymoic since then. The sound was excellent but canā€™t justify the fit.

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The fit was ok for me, but i can see why it might be uncomfortable for you, the shell was definitely big.

Iā€™ve never had much of an issue with Etys, but I found the ear canal can get irritated/itchy feeling with time. Iā€™m still a big supporter of the ER2XR as an all round great IEM.

But I can completely understand the feeling/concept being much more repulsive to other people, makes sense for sure.


Seems like the right place to mention this.

I saw some Kiwi Ears KE4 for $120 so was sort of looking at some review videosā€¦ and they just looked so blandly ugly in the videos I stopped watching them, I knew however they sounded I wouldnā€™t be happy with that plain brushed metal with a glossy blob over it in my ears. Itā€™s not even that repulsive like something that steps far wrong, but itā€™s not doing anything right at all to my eyes.

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I wish they werenā€™t so ugly, uncomfortable, odd to wear, and tuned so weird stock, because with EQ, the STAX SR-003 mkii (or SR-002 by another name) are hands down and by a colossal margin the best ā€œIEMsā€ Iā€™ve heard in my life. If they were more normal in shape and fitment, I wouldnā€™t use any other set.


That is one of the few handful TRUE Electrostatic iem out there.


Theyā€™re so absurdly good. The CES-A1 closed back kit in the picture I posted with some equally measured amounts of cotton fill and EQ is the only IEM Iā€™ve heard stage like an open back and that includes weirdo sets like the LCD-i4 and Monoprice M350s that were technically really open lol. They take a nearly infinite bass shelf and are one of the only sets I can think of that can slam with raw impact and retain the amount of clarity as a properly powered HE6 with mods and a fat bass shelf. Theyā€™re a truly unique set that will take whatever you throw at them and theyā€™re extremely detailed and have shockingly good timbre once you EQ out the tuning wonkiness. But they fit like shit and suck to use lol.


Haha I feel you! Sometimes the design just doesnā€™t match the vibe. Soundā€™s important, but gotta feel good wearing them too!

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LOL they kinda remind me of :smile:ā€¦


Yes. At the price it is being sold at, such aesthetics are unacceptable.imo


I donā€™t expect exactly this kind of quality for 3100 euros. Purple is my favorite color, but here ā€œMade in Germanyā€ has a slight slip.