Wanted: Budget R2R DAC

I also left that one on, I don’t know if multibit is different, but I did notice the sound improved after constantly on for 2 weeks (after I receive it). So whether that is simply burn in or the temperature thing I also don’t know haha.

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I would suspect that it is a combination of the two. I guess I could try leaving on the DACs that I have for a billing cycle and see what the impact is to the energy bill. It may not be as bad as I think.

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These smaller DACs are generally below 20w so it shouldn’t be too bad compared to household appliances. I never pay attention to my bill but you can easily calculate how much it costs before purchases.

Honestly, I wasn’t even thinking! There are energy calculators and various formulas that can be used to figure this out. Turns out for a device that has a 25W draw the cost is only a little over 2 dollars a month to just keep it running. That is not too bad. I am not sure why I thought it would be so much more…