We see colors differetly

Who is they? and do they date back previous to the Egiptians and how do you then poke holes at the existing studies of isolated African tribes? The argument isn’t whether or not we could see blue globally as there are clear visual differences even today so that isn’t up for debate, the question is why does it exist and how broad globally is existed. The reference to words or pictures with pigment are proof of it existing for that society at that time but it doesn’t meat that is always existed.

Also blue as a pigment has been more difficult to make so I don’t even take a society in a certain era not being able to see it, you still have to have an explanation for the outcomes of the experiments referenced.

Well these date back to ancient and prehellenic greek so they would have been contemporaneous of the Egyptians. India and China themselves most likely existed before the establishment of Egypt’s first dynasty and their writing methods.
And the mesopotamians are pre/contemporaenous to Egypt

The problem is the article itself is simplified compared to the jstor preambles its probably trying paraphrase from without actually like reading the full thing

From what I had to do in Uni with regards to Anthropology electives I took, and classics courses, what I’ve read regarding things like the blue argument tend to be more complicated than what we’re being presented with.
And in a small way, It all possibly ties to commerce and class rather than natural evolution of language.
Because we don’t know, it’s all speculation and a lot of the profs I had seemed to believe that in terms of linguistics, a lot of ancient peoples, due to their lack of access to the pigment tended use “sky” simply as a synonym for the color without having to define it in clear terms. The creation, or the discovery of, the pigment may have facilitated the development of language in order, differentiate it from the base term of sky in order to better sell it in trade channels.
Some think that the earliest origins of the language for blue actually started in South Asia and China, and passed westward as part of the silk trail commerce route. As such, there is no actual categorical proof that the language of blue originates in Egypt. But even with this alternate travel theory, it’s not known if it came from a single source or if there was parallel evolution the world over and that trends within the regions facilitated unique evolution of language tracks for Asia/Mediterranian/Europe/ Etc completely separate from each other

With regards to the African studies. Some people question that, others don’t and say that it allows for the language question to be possibly true without bearing on the development of language in other parts of the world. Others say its epigenics and the peoples they spoke to were, simply less sensitive to blue/green and its a trait that simply persisted throughout their community due to their relative smallness and lack of diversity and that there should be genetic screening on top of the tests for possibly blue-green colour blindness, but it hasn’t obviously been done due to the ethical questions this in turn raises.

Oh god, not that one. That shit was the buzz around in my high school back then and to be honest, I didn’t gave a fuck about it because to me it is just a dress and I don’t know why it was such a big deal just because of the differing opinions of its colors. Then again, people will find ways to turn things that are not such a big deal into a big deal and that is just the way it works for most of the human race.

What always bothered me about that picture is that it is do obviously such an extra crispy pic. The resolution is shit and it’s obvious the colors are not accurate, pluss the exposure is blown out. On top of all if that, it gets worse and worse the more it is shared thanks to compression. Then there is the question of what screen your looking at any given example of the picture on. I’ve seen some pretty piss poor color accuracy on some pretty new devices. And the cherry on top, people have edited the pic to look more like white and gold or blue and black, so there is no reliable way to know what you are looking at.

Now that I’ve typed all this I realize how stupid this all is, but it still bothers me that this was such a big deal, especially since I remember people found the original dress and took half decent pictures of it and it was blue and black.

Edit: See!?! It only took like a minute to find this.

(God, why does this bother me so much?)


My bad…