What ear pads are better for the philips SHP9500?

treble down, bass up. much warmer signature

@Falenkor like high, mid or sub bass? 'cause the high and a bit of the mid bass is great and dont want to change it.

and i dont want a massive difference. like just a bit of extra sub bass to add some extra support and somewhat reduced highs. and my issues with the graininess/piercing highs is with more droning vocals (ie; dopesmoker by sleep, bleed the freak by alice in chains). and my issue with the sub bass is more apparent with the song holy mountain by sleep where the guitars just lack a bit of strength.

Use a parametric equalizer.

then you want equalizing… not a pad swap. pad swaps are pretty drastic changes

well if i do just use eq, what earpads are closest to stock but are are a bit deeper, and maybe a slightly different material. as the stock pads dont really cover my ears as much as i would like them + i do want a little bit more clamp force.

those would just be dekoni velour in that regard. Anything else will alter the signature quite significantly

its also pretty hard to know what i actually want (like it hard to easily know what something sounds like) since im pretty new to this stuff and the only store near me that has headphones i can try is guitar center.

@Falenkor so i guess mostly any velour/suede pads are best for the 9500?

@Falenkor also, have you tried the leather angled HM5s on them? since those are one of the other pads that i see are recommended quite a bit. i saw someone say that they add quite a bit of soundstage, and add a bit of low end. these are what im talking about: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01J53WTUQ/?coliid=I1WQY9J8ZU7SUB&colid=2PTUFZG9WXKAA&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it

Usually anything that puts your ears further from the driver gives you more soundstage and that’s pretty easy to do since the stock pads are so thin. The pads I linked are deep and don’t compress very much and are suede. The regular non gel filled ones compress quite a bit more and it’s noticeable. The suede helps keep a bit of warmth and velour can make them a little brighter. They’re a nice happy medium.

no, just velour… if you go suede its pretty drastic the bass gets quite amplified as that brightness goes down towards neutral.

not angled no but regular leathers yeah, similar to suede but a bit less on the airy side and more intimate sounding… they add a bit more on the bass than the suede to my ear. I wasn’t a big fan of leathers on the 9500 personally. The gel suedes recommended are a happy middle ground between the dekoni and stock… however they can be a bit hard to put on and they aren’t as wide as the dekoni so comfort is questionable

@Falenkor ah, ok. what about the zmf universes? ive seen alot of good things about those and looking at the size they look perfect for the shp9500s

@Falenkor has said before he has huge ears and the brainwavz ovals have plenty of room for me. And honestly I can’t think of anything that’s easy to put on the 9500s lol. Im thinking of 3d printing some pad adapters for easier pad swaps.

they fit fine, wider than the brainwavz and much better fabric used but much more expensive

modhouse sells these for $10

depends on ear size yes but they are still quite a bit on the small size personally. Granted the shp9500 stretches them a bit wider they still aren’t as large or elongated as the dekoni or zmf… let alone the fabric used is a bit of a joke in my opinion, though you get what you pay for there considering the price differences

then again, stock shp9500 definitely doesn’t sound muddy to me at all… neutral bright signature that just adapts quite heavily to pad swaps

@Falenkor how did the universes sound?

your looking for small tuning changes but wanting to change the pads which is a no go regardless… the only pad your going to get the stock sound out of is velour considering the stock pads are of a cloth type material… any suede is going to increase the bass to varying degrees and the treble will decrease to again varying degrees. the zmf pads are going to increase the bass(not so much sub bass more in the mid bass if anything), you will lose some slight mid presence but not that much mainly in the upper mids, and treble will decrease to closer to the neutral line but still have some slight treble on it.

ok i just put some foam behind the ear pads to create some space between my ear and the driver, and i feel the music WAAAY more .(i have hyperacusis)

misodiko has such products, earpads for SHP9500, it is specially designed for SHP9500, including plastic parts, there are earpads installation videos on youtube, the process is relatively easy:

They also recently released a headband pad for SHP9500 & SHP9600:

The SHP 9500 with Brainwavz Microsuede Gel Pads are what I have right now. I don’t have much headphone experience, as these are the only audiophile headphones I have ever owned. My brother in law has a Tygr, but that’s the only comparison I have.

So with the Microsuede pads making it much warmer, would that bring the sound signature of the SHP from a neutral bright to neutral or to straight up warm? I’m trying to figure out what sound signature I actually enjoy. I do like the Tygr for music but not for games (mainly do to the muffled sound I feel they have, which I know is due to the foam disc) if that helps determining the sounds signature I like.