What would be the best iem that is under $150 for a flat sound signature

Sure, I’m not saying it doesn’t. It competes very well til 180usd, for sure. Depending on your preferences, might be the best bang for buck til that price :slight_smile:

What I meant was just… Some people (reviewers) like to hype stuff like that to a point of no return, and people just repeat it. Saw somewhere on a video someone saying that Aria was probably the best IEM till 500usd lol

Saw that thumbnail as well.
Even if its pure clickbait, that is very missleading and people will still go claim it is the best iem till 500 usd because the title said so…

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I was actually agreeing with what you said. It shouldn’t be hyped as a $500 dollar IEM competitor, and it is good value for the price it is at. It also has the advantage of the very “safe” tuning that Moondrop does that can be very pleasing to a wide audience.

Yeah, Aria is on of the best deals on the market for a reason. Most people were saving money for the acclaimed starfields and Puff, “here you go, costs 30 bucks less, has no paint problems, sounds pretty much the same, has a waifu on the cover”. Instant sales!

Sometimes I wish I’d have started lower, never heard blon, and aria, etc. Miss that hype


I have the Aria, and it is nowhere near 500USD. Ironically it is DMS, the creator/joint owner of Hifiguides who said that. Obviously he hasn’t been following the Chi-fi market closely

Don’t know if it is just a mental thing, but my 6N OCC cable sounds better on the Aria compared to the stock cloth cable which is comfortable but not as good sounding

Rule of thumb is, if it sounds better to you, even if it’s placebo or not, enjoy it!

This hobby is about finding what we like to enjoy what we love :slight_smile: there’s no rights or wrongs.

Half of the times I put down my most expensive setup, grab a dongle and a 10 bucks earbud and gives me the same joy. You dont need a 1k setup to enjoy your favorite song, but you need your favorite songs to enjoy your setup :slight_smile:


Yincrow X6? :smirk:

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Mine should hopefully be here in the next few days.

lol, wrong thread.

Yes! Gotta admit. It gets rarer by the day

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