Who retro grames on emulators?

That’s right. I wasn’t thinking correctly.

Retro Game Corps probably has a guide for it. But it’s Android, just download Retroarch and put your roms on the card and you should be good to go

EDIT: Actually, here’s your guide

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I thought you were going to link me to one of these:

Android Emulation Starter Guide – Retro Game Corps

RetroArch Starter Guide – Retro Game Corps

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Yeah either of those are great. Especially the first one. It’s good to learn both guides I think though. RA can be a little confusing at first with all its options. But it’s not hard

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I forgot an emoticon to indicate that was said with a smile and lil laugh behind it…ribbing you, 'casue the one you linked to is obviously on the ball, RB Cube is in the subject name, LoL!

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btw, thanks for link. are there more ROMs available to download for all the other consoles out there?

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Oh doh! Went right over me lol

Yeah check here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/

That sub will give you all you need. The Mega Thread stickied is what you want. But here’s a direct link: https://myrient.erista.me/

All your roms are there. I hope I can post that. It’s just a website though …

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yAAAy! my RGB20SX arrived today :smiley:

I had a bit of a giggle earlier this week. the SF2000 shipped from the UK on Saturday arrived in Canada before the RGB20SX from California or the RG Cube from Washington did. the SF2000 was mailed a few days AFTER the other two. tee hee hee!