DIY looks great
@Kenyon do you know which model is the K’s earphone 600 that’s listed in the Very Good tier? I didn’t add it and I’m wondering if it’s from your original list?
Yes from my original list. It’s a very old bud probably 2016ish. Around that time the 600 & 500 by ks were top top performers and that probably continued until the DIY maker push. Unfortunately I do not have either anymore as they were loaners - so can’t check against new models but wouldn’t imagine it to be so highly regarded nowadays.
Maybe now the initial hype has died down the DX7 should probably move down a tier also. It doesn’t feel like it fits that current grouping on SQ alone. Feels closer to Alpha 3 level.
Yeah good point. I think one recent discord member said they didn’t like DX7 much.
Bumped DX7 down based on recent feedback
How did the VE SMG get into the god tier category? I can only find one review on headfi. Any other reviews / impressions available?
$200 for an earbud in the highest category while all others are $600 sounds tempting…
None of my sets above the third tier makes me cry…
Bear in mind that this doesn’t factor in price to performance ratio. Your GAS3 is one of the most affordable sets in the top 3 tiers - that’s saying something too! We really appreciate you and all DIYers on the list
There are many on our Flathead Sanctuary discord server
I think the only 1 that may be questionable is the
Blox TM11 - everyone who raved about it then tried to sell it
I’ll compare the SL to the 3rd Gen buds I have - though still don’t have a GAS3
May try and pick up a TM11 but SMG was my more likely next purchase.
Since it’s difficult to buy and we don’t have that many owners to chime in with wisdom, I’m going to remove the K’s 600. It’s captured in the older versions anyway.
I think that’s a good call chap
Added more DIY buds and shells! Thanks for everyone who contributed!