Your Top 5 IEMs right now that you are using?

Sennheiser IE600 and IE900.
In the laser month I found myself using these 99% of my time for music. State of the art single 7mm DD. Lovely.


This my current rotation at my home office ( where I do most of my listening ).

  • Mangird Tea 2
  • Tripowin x HBB Kailua ( this is really the new entry, and I am digging these )
  • Tripowin x HBB Olina SE
  • Simgot EA500
  • Letshuoer x Gizaudio Galileo

This is what I have in my drawer at the office.

  • QKZ x HBB
  • Truthear Hola
  • Kiwi Ears Cadenza

What filter(s) did you prefer? I finally got to hear U12t at CanJam Chicago this year, and it was the best thing I heard there. I’m sold on Odin and U12t. I liked the number 12 and 15 filters most, IIRC. 12 has not been released yet, IIRC, or whichever one is gold. Sad that ThieAudio wasn’t at the show, to hear Prestige or Monarch XIII LTD Custom.

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The APEX 12 and 15 are definitely my favorites. Love rhis IEM


Awesome lol. Sounds like we have the same taste!

Any idea how to get mx12?

Buy a U4s :stuck_out_tongue:

Are they really not selling it standalone yet?

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It’s probably just not out yet, individually.

Always fun such rankings - here are my Top 5 atm:

  1. AüR Neon Pro
  2. Penon 10th Anniversary
  3. IMR Rah 2023
  4. Sennheiser IE900
  5. AüR Aure

The thing about this hobby the postman comes and your top 5 is ruthlessly reshuffled

  1. EPZ 530
  2. IMR Elan+
  3. Kiwi ears Quintet
  4. IKKO OH5
    5.Fiio FH9

Wonder what next week will bring


How’s the quintet treating you? It feels that it’s an IEM that came and gone pretty quickly after the review cycle.

I just picked up a pair from @VIVIDICI_111 - shout-out to him for the great deal.

First impression is that it reminds me of what I was looking for in Variations - but without the aggressive mid-bass scoop and a little less airyness.

A little bit more recessed vocals (noticed this on listening to HYAENA off Utopia), with a focus on sub-bass (great mid bass too, really hits for my EDM library). It executes this well and I didn’t pick up any of the piezo-zing people talk about.

No comments on soundstage, imaging, etc. it’s great compared to my S12 Pro’s but I’ll need to give them a more comprehensive listen.


In no particular order, although the Quintet is still in its honeymoon period and therefore receiving much more ear time than the other sets.

  1. Kiwi Ears Quintet
  2. Ikko OH10
  3. Timeless
  4. QKZ x HBB
  5. Simgot EA500

I’m awaiting a replacement Blon x HBB Z300 which for the short period I listened to it was very nice.


Great album!


I’m a fan - the production is nuts, especially on the low end.


I agree completely. I need to hear it with some real bass monsters

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My top listening to right

Juzear Flame

Good times


I can’t understand the fall off of this iem it’s really a great cohesive iem that has great details while still being musical I’ve been loving it.

It was my main listen for a while till the EPZ 530 came which has been a revelation.


Neither can I say any bad thing about KE Quintet.

At the beginning it felt pretty anemic, but it did gain some weight after a couple of hours.
Right now it feels like a very well balanced (slightly V shaped) IEM with an astounding detail retrieval.

Still, I need to roll some more tips with it after coming back home from holiday.

Anyway, it’s a solid choice though I’d hoped for something more from the PZT responsible for bone conduction.