11.11 Sales (2023)

Should be worth mentioning that their biggest coupons (eg. $193 off $299 spend) only applies to their most expensive cables.

Added APOS sale Excel spreadsheet!

11:11 Bundle package…

I’d get it just for the looks.

Not sure about its durability, though.

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@ToneDeafMonk hey buddy I think you liked this set what was the build like?

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After all the codes I’m able to use, I can only get the Hisense Touch down to $184.42 (after tax, total cost). I love the e-reader feature of it, but tbh I’m better off just replacing the battery in my old Kindle and continuing with what I have.

I’ll never get the time back I wasted messing with my cart though, can’t stand 11.11


What unit? Cheers J

Sorry Hisenior Mega5 :+1:


Went to like 3 or 4 sites and couldn’t find any great deals mostly $10-$20 off decent stuff. I really don’t like these sites as they are a pita in finding stuff and clogged with crap. Think I’ll pass on making any purchases.


Here are Some 11.11 links that directly benefit HiFiGuides

Linsoul Linsoul 11.11 Audio Festival 2023

Apos 2021 Apos Audio 11/11 Deals

HifiGo https://hifigo.com/collections/sales/?rfsn=3737349.d530b5


Shenzhen 11.11 Audio Festival - SHENZHENAUDIO.COM

Server Costs have gone up and amazon links have gone down.


Amazon Joey, Chandler (R.I.P :cry:) Zeos :smile:

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I got myself a Moondrop S8, I was considering the Dark Saber but the build quality has been confirmed on Reddit to be pretty ghetto.

Speaking of Linsoul GC codes, these are useless if you’re planning to spend hundreds during 11.11.

Why? Because Ali has free codes and you’ll get around a $50 discount if you’re planning to spend around $500 on stuff.

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Im not looking to make any purchase(s) myself, for the very same reason.

In any case, just passing along the savings for those who were on the fence for anything even partially discounted. :slight_smile:

yeah the links changed to only benefiting if you buy other things in the same category now. 2023 is rough.

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That’s a bit a of a piss take…using their preferred reviewers to have to double down on their sales to get :dollar:

The Hisenior Mega5P It was just ok the T4 was so good i just bought a CIEM thats the only Hisenior that stood out for me. Build quality on all thier stuff is top notch.


Hmm, IDK how many of these stores are doing this, but if I look at BrightAudio Store, one of the sellers of the BTR15, just below the discount codes they give this extra hint:


Hmm… am I understanding this correctly? Do they mean last day to save big and take advantage of their ‘best offer’ prices OR are they implying they will accept best offers on the last day, the way eBay sellers accept best offers?

Never seen eBay-like “best offers” on Ali, you’d have to implement a whole-ass functionality for that.

No, I think they just mean this particular shop will offer its best prices of the whole 8-17 period on the last day, who knows on which items, maybe only for the stocks that don’t clear out as expected. And of course that also won’t guarantee those will be the best prices on all of AliExpress - could be the absolute best price on one specific item you’re looking for is already up or will be up on some random day in the 8-17 period, just not at this shop.

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Anyone purchase anything noteworthy or worth sharing your excitement over?