2-pin polarity confusion

Does it matter which pin goes into which hole on the IEM?

If I understand correctly, as long as left and right piece are in phase (verified using phase check test tunes), then all is good?

Or am I wrong and each IEM hole does expect a particular polarity? But the problem is I don’t know which is which.

yeah, 2 pin has a positive and negative side. The positive side usually has a dot or dent or some kind of indicator like that.
Another way to tell is with the driver/nozzle facing away from you and pins facing up, Right IEM = Right Pin Positive, Left IEM = Left Pin Positive.


There’s a dot on the cable side of the 2-pin, so I guess that’s the positive one?

There’s nothing on the IEM side. Does the following rule applies to all IEMs?

Right IEM = Right Pin Positive, Left IEM = Left Pin Positive.