$350 to spend on v shaped open backs

my budget is $350 and Im looking for a good pair of v shaped open backs, Ill be plugging it into my pc but Id be willing to buy a dac/amp if needed, any suggestions? I also considered the dt 990 pro but heard that it has ear piercing treble

As always it depends fore some dt 990 could be a reasonable endgame but only if they can survive the treble, so if you have some experience with bright HP we could try to guess your tolerances :stuck_out_tongue:
And if they could be to your liking most people recommend the 600 Ohm variantions so a amp i nearly always required :wink:
Otherwise some Phillips Fidelio X2 would be a cheapish solution for under 100€
For better recommendations it would help if you could say if they’re for what kind of use you need them? Gaming only music listening or an all day Allrounder ?

can you spend 350 on just a good headphone, yea but I think I’ll you’l get better value overall if you put some of it into a dac and amp since powering it off your PC will limit your headphone choices.

One of the most common and overall best recommendations is the IFI zen Dac, its a great all-rounder and the Xbass (a magical bass boost button) is awesome when you just need a little extra spice.

what listen to and what other uses you want is kind of a big thing
like @DuerumBen suggested the Phillips Fidelio X2 are a solid choice (not exact V-shaped but they are good all-rounders) , the Drop 58X is also a solid choice.

If you do end up getting an amp you can also look at the HIFIMAN 400SE (Planners like power so an amp is needed to get the best of them)

… Harmonicdyne Zeus… no amp needed…

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going to 2nd these two honestly. Though for 990 please consider an amp and having them at 600 ohms as they just sound so much better imo

maybe this one:
It cost a bit cheaper when you looking on other websides.

:thinking: Last I checked that was a warm signature headphone and an intimate one at that… also thats closed back not open like OP is asking


just music listening, no gaming

tygr 300r, lots of great feedback about the zeus

Hm maybe also something like the sigva Phoenix, no amp needed but could be to small for bigger noggins :wink:

are you sure they would be good mainly for music listening? I just see them marketed as gaming headphones

The 300r is that rare balance where they have very capable imaging and linear depth but also are tuned well for music. Solid cans all around.

very “fun” sound it’s between the 300r and HE6se for my favorite pure pleasure listening headphones

To be honest I was having my doubts about the Zeus. When I first got it I was not a fan, but now that it’s over 40 hours of use I’m in love and they are only getting better. Tube don’t really do anything for it, sound better on my Topping A90 with the Cambridge Audio DacMagic 200M as the balanced dac preamp. Done A/B testing with Focal Elegia ($500 Closed Dynamic), Sigva SV021 ($150 Closed Dynamic), 1More Triple Driver Titanium (Over Ear $150 Closed Hybrid Dynamic) , HifiMan Ananda ($700 Open Planar) and Moded HD700 (Discontinued Open). Ananda>Zeus>Focal>HD700> Sigva> 1More. Ananda vs Zeus very close. Planar in a different league when it comes to detail and sub bass, but they aren’t as punchy. Neither the Ananda or Zeus would please bass heads but sound quality on these is outstanding. I’d strongly recommend going w/ the Zeus then add a dac and amp later as the Zeus scales well.

Easy choice Fostex TH X00 on used market. It’s also easy to mod if you want to change

… he said under $350 those are $700 minimum lol

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Beyerdynamic made a well-tuned headphone first & foremost, and decided to market it for gamers based on said tuning.

And for whatever reason, that tuning activates the neurons for many people who either listen to music, or play video games. There is a thread all about the Tygrs if you are interested.

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used not new as they are not available through drop anymore. I bought mine and sold them for $350. Hell I modded them and put TH900 cups on them.

Ebay the cheapest ones are $700 used lol

eBay is where I don’t shop, scam central. I’ll buy tubes and adapters from Affinity but nothing else. Headfi is the place. Paid 325 and sold after modding them for 350 in my pocket.