Hello there,
i’m new to audio stuff and english is not my native language. Please excuse any misunderstandings.
i’ve around 400€ to spend. Is the combination of beyerdynamic DT 880 Edition 600Ohm (159€)+ FiiO K5pro (159€) just fine?
Long story:
Since my DT 770 Pro has a loose contact, i wanted another pair of headphones. I was between the Sennheiser’s HD 6XX from Massdrop and the beyerdynamic DT 880 Edition (600Ohm). Sadly the HD 6XX is just available from the US (i’m in germany) and it takes months before they ship and some additional weeks before they arrive me. They would cost with taxes and all around 277€~ (336$~). The DT 880 will cost 159€ (193$~). Do you thing the HD 6XX are worth the 117€ (142$~) more? I like the fact that the DT 880 are almost complete exchangeable and since they’re located in germany - it’s an easy access point for me. But the worst part is - the cable is not detachable … The reason, why i even need to buy another headphones. I know i just could replace the cable or mod it (which i came to it later) but i can’t solder and i want to try something different also.
I need the headphones daily for atleast 12 hours/ day and use them for multimedia, movies, music and gaming. I’m just using them inddors on my PC. No matter which one i choose - i also need a DAC/ AMP. I read alot about the FiiO K5pro which cost also 159€ (193$~) but i read also lots of recommandations with a combo between Shiit Magni 3+ (183€/ 222$~, cheapest shipping, uninjured) and Topping D10 (100€/ 122$~).
FiiO K5pro or Magni 3+ & Topping D10? 193$ vs. 344$
Is it worth “almost” double the price compared to the K5pro? This would be obv. way over my budget but if it’s way better, maybe i can check if i’ve more to spend.
Of course i’m open for another recommendations.
To have a backup, i’m thinking about a cable mod for my DT 770 Pro.
I want to to do a cable mod with mini XLR. I’ve never done soldering and have no clue but i still want to give it a try.
My problem is: i don’t know if i need a 3 or 4 pin mini XLR. I can’t find any cable for the 4 pin in germany and i could only find a single 4 pin part what needs to go to the headphones (https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07WWDCMH6) Sorry for the very weird description but i don’t even know how to explain it in german
I guess it would be better overall (and also cheaper) if i would go with 3.5mm but i don’t trust them cause the broke way to much in the past. And if it breaks i’ve to open the whole headphones again (+ possibly soldering) to fix it and thats the whole points why i want to to the mod.
Is a 4 pin necessary or can i go with 3 pin?