A 6 way MidFi Dac round up

A well rounded and fact filled over view of some of the most popular Mid tier Dac’s :+1:


That round up video was the tipping point, unlocking any remaining restraint and self control I thought I had.


what’s the TLDR Ohmboy? and how did you fit this all on your boathouse?

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tfw 800 to 1.7K is considered midfi

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I’d say $500 - $750 would be mid-fi personally…mebe $500 - $1000 if you really want to push it.

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and i thought the dragonfly cobalt was too expensive

There’s no real outcome tbh mate just an interesting personal perspective about 6 Dac’s and how their different sound presentations effect their synergy with various amp types…as for fitting them on the barge no problem, continually powering them may be an issue tho lol.

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I’d agree with that :+1:

lmao here im thinking my porta pros are mid fi :rofl:

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for what it is, it is…

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naw…low fi that punches well above it’s price.

(the expensive audiophiles will claim its a bargain)

until I broke them, my KPH30i’s were the headphones I wore at bedtime, but did complain about comfort. so when I’m not flat broke, I plan on getting another pair and the G pads and see what new magic they can bring!

Depends on your perspective. I would say $500 to $1,000 also, in US dollars.
Basically $700ish to $1,300ish in Canuck Bucks.

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I know, eh? the waters have been muddied the last while with just how good equipment has become!

You’re not kidding. Just imagine a chain of D10/D30 to Liquid Spark to Senn HD58X’s. Super little system for CHEAP.

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