Hello there! I’d like to buy new headphones, but the more i research it, the more indecisive i become . I bought the momentum 2 wireless a few days ago, but the tiny pads hurt my ears after about 2 hours of listening, so i’m returning them. Main purpose of new headphones would be for commute and home listening, so they need to be drivable on a portable amp/dac combo (was ready to buy argons before looking up the power requirements) I need closed headphones, since i live in a tiny space with someone else. I’m looking more for a fun sound than anything else, and with my limited experience i’d say i favor low end. I’ve tried m50x and they were boring to me, the momentum 2 sounded good to me when wired and powered off (ANC is pretty annoying). Looking to spend max 450CAD (live in Montreal) for the headphones and max 200 CAD for the amp/dac combo (would be a big plus if it could be used also on a pc). Is it reasonable and doable?
I think it’s pretty reasonable. I think you could perhaps go with a beyerdynamic dt770 250 ohm which has pretty solid subbass and a more fun signature and really solid comfort and build, but slightly recessed treble and not the most portable, you could grab a xduoo xd05 along with that, would be pretty sweet, and the xd05 works well as a multipurpose desktop amp as well. What type of music do you listen to?
DAC/AMP combo on the road, at the office/job, and enjoyable listening at home… for that I use the FiiO BTR5 with the KZ ZS10 Pro as an IEM. It does all that plus takes conference calls like a champ.
I know it’s not headphones but for that and being under the $200… listen to M0N on the koss stuff if it has to be actual headphones.
@M0N Thanks for the swift response! I mainly lisen to hip-hop, with the occasional metal and pop. From the quick search i did, the xd05 seems hard to find where i live
@DagoRed Definitely will look up IEM, i still have a pair of old shure se215 somewhere that only plays from one side. BTR5 Also seems hard to find in canada.
im in Canada as well and picked up my xd05 on eBay… I think its the main place to pick these up and usually free shipping as well
yup, looks good to me… that’s a great amp dac as well… looking at your post again and curious are you still planning on getting the argons? you may want the xd05 plus if that’s the case but I think m0n would have more insight there
@donjklassen Z reviews’ video on the argons really sold me on them, and for some reason i love the look (good type of ugly), and also their price was really attractive for headphones that were touted as excellent. But to my understanding, unless you invest in some pretty serious amp, you only get a fraction of what they have to offer, and having them portable seems difficult and/or costly. So that kind of put them out of what I can afford for the moment.
When you said you bought the Momentum 2, they have over the ear pads and on ear pad variants.
@db_Cooper I bought the over the ear variant (aebt), but they still fit ill. Maybe i have a lopsided head, because the most discomfort I feel is to my right ear .
I actually really like the look of the argons quite a bit… its like an 80’s sci-fi looking thing … I think the plus will drive them but to what potential I have no idea… the dt770 would be a good fit though and with the 250 ohm you get a short coiled cable that would good for mobile use
The Meze 99 headphones are very fun and closed. They come in the Neo, Noir and Classic. The Neo has the most fun response from what i hear.
The Audio-Technica ATH-MSR7BK are also fun and good i hear. also closed
I would offer the Meze 99 Classic’s at $399.99 in Canada. You can get a different version of them from Drop (The Noir’s) for about $100.00 less. Nice sound, great looking, nice bass bump and super easy to drive.
Also the Neo’s are cheap too. same sound as the classics. they really should have brought the price down to match the other 2
@donjklassen For the dt770 pro are you recommending the plus version of the xd05? Also, what brand do you recommend for cables?
@Antpage2 @ShaneD Thanks for the recommendation! I see online a price difference of around 130 CAD between the neo and classics, is it only walnut cups vs plastic cups that explain the price difference? Nevermind
Any earpads you recommend for the meze 99?
The regular xd05 will be all you need for the dt770 250… which cables?
You said a short coiled cable for mobile
Oh yes… so these have an attached cable and the 250 ohm has a nice short coiled cable whereas the other versions have a long straight cable that would be annoying going mobile imo
The Neo’s are not the same. They have plastic cups. Not sure on the sound as I have never heard them, but they are a cheaped out version of the 99’s.
I also have never heard the Noir’s, but every Noir owner swears they are exactly the same as the 99’s. YMMV.
no their not the same sound but same quality. i heard on a review they described it as having a more fun signature. thats why i recommended he get those