So, of all the headphones I currently own (OneMore Triples, Dekoni Blues, Sundara, DT880 600 on order, T60 Argons on order, DT 770 80s, Meze 99 noirs) I feel the next step up that will make sense is something between $800-1200. Is it worth starting with the 2Cs, and then saving for the Aeolus? Just go right for the Aeolus, are both different I could justify owning both? Quit there and just save for a L700 Stax system? Something else? Your thoughts would be appreciated
Both are very different in my opnion, not just planar vs TPE Dynamic driver, cross the board. Aside from being open back that’s pretty much the similarities
For context, I own both. The Aeolus is much more detailed, not as wide of sound stage and has an in your face punchy base. The 2C ( pre fennestrated pads) much deeper lows, and immense sound stage by comparison. I enjoy each for different types of music, or mood. ie, LCD2c’s are my melt into a chair floating in space cans, and the zmf a much more intense listening experience, but very very enjoyable.
You can get an used Lcd2C for 400/500 USD (I did) and enjoy it while, and if, you save for the ZMF.
LCD X is one of my personal favorites in that price range. I would suggest giving the Hifiman Edition XX a shot too if you want a stepping stone. Also in that price range, a used Focal Clear may treat you VERY well.
I would avoid Aeolus unless you have/are willing to procure a tube amp.
From what I’ve come to learn and understand, the LCD-2C is the only can in Audeze’s range I’m interested in, really. Given the number of Planars I already own right now, I don’t really want to my next big investment beyond $1000K to be a planar unless it’s really going to blow my mind, and I’m hoping the DT 880 600s are the detail queens I want (The LCD-X are detail Queens is my understanding), and highly doubtful they’re 6x, let alone 2x the detail retrievers the 880s can be under the right circumstances. I know the Aeolus is a detail queen, too, but I’m also a cheap whore for build quality and craftsmanship, so the ZMF line really appeals to me. In a perfect world I’d consider Autueur but not sure I’m gonna drop that sort of money on a headphone between my next buy and Stax, say.
If you are in that price range and Stax is in question, check out Nectar audio. They may be right up your alley if you are serious about Stax. As far as electro statics go, some can’t compete with planars so do some serious homework before dropping that kind of money.
Stax are not meant for everyone. But for some they are perfect.
As far as the LCD X, personally my favorite headphone for $1200. They have details, refined and a good amount of bass, and don’t require a crazy amp to power them. I would strongly recommend trying them out as the only thing I replace them with for use is my Diana Phi.
For solid state, I am told the Eikons are better than the Aeolus.
Not how I’d characterize it, the Biodynamic ZMF’s resolve detail considerably better than the TPE drivers in the Aeolus IMO.
interesting I’ll keep that in mind. I’m running an SP100,200, BassX A100, and Ifi Zen
I’ve owned the lcd 2c and the lcd x, I’d say that both are near the front of their price brackets for detail, however the lcdx never sat right with me due to the excessive air and sucked out upper mids. The lcd2c is definitely on the dark side but I can enjoy it more than the lcdx as it sounds more normal to me. also the lcdx is the heaviest headphone I have ever owned, not comfortable imo.
That being said, if you are ok with eq or audeze reveal, I think the audeze cans outresolve the zmfs slightly, however the zmfs sound more natural, ever more so if you don’t eq the audezes.