All Things Classical

coff Sennheiser HD600 and Bottlehead Crack w/Speedball coff

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Good call. Something to consider down the road for sure. For now the XDuoo TA-20 and Sundara pairing will have to do. And they do well! For some reason last night I was craving that warm, bassy power that the Sivgas were providing. Tonight we go back to the tube!

Honestly, though, The Frost is so good I think it could make tin cans and string sound excellent! No disrespect to the many great cans and amps that are out there! Speaking of which, this pairing of the Frost and the SP200 is also blowing my mind. I was hopeful they would play nice together, but in my view they are doing way more than playing nice. This really worked out in my favor, and I am grateful.

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One of my favorite cantatas. I love Nuria Rial. J.S. Bach - Nuria Rial sings cantata BWV 49 "Ich geh und suche mit Verlangen" (J.S. Bach Foundation) - YouTube

Speaking of cantatas, this one is stunning. Ich habe genug. Holy crap.

my god when he started singing it startled the hell out of me, i love this channel, was such a great find awhile backā€¦ Why on earth are these not available for hi res purchase, id buy the whole damn library

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I love the fact that Iā€™m still ā€œdiscoveringā€ new Bach pieces. Every week I seem to have a new favorite cantata.


This is gorgeous. And a good test for our headphones. Luzzasco Luzzaschi: I' mi son giovinetta, Sophie Junker and Sherezade Panthaki, Concerto delle Donne - YouTube


@dcofficehack Thanks. Always looking for another to add to my ā€œTimbre Testsā€ list!

Nope. Not doin it for me! LOL! I have never been drawn to vocal based music or opera; I definitely prefer symphony orchestra and more instrumental music. But that is just me.


you have a typo in your forum name. it doesnā€™t say ā€˜Timber Timā€™ :wink: LoL!

@Marzipan Hahahaha! Nope, just Timp for the timpani I played!


Well guess what, kids? I discovered something yesterday. Seems Harry Nilsson ā€œBORROWEDā€ a little piece from Piano Concerto #2 (Adagio) by Sergei Rachmaninoff in his song ā€œCanā€™t Live if Living is Without Youā€!

This journey into Classical as been an eye opener to say the least! But I am enjoying it very much.

Hee hee. Fun, Eh? The main theme became ā€œfull moon and empty armsā€ as well. And that 2001 theme idea in 5/4 is from the first mvt of The Planets
by Holst. Andā€¦ :rofl: Hope you enjoy the Rach. 2nd, Itā€™s my ā€œdesert islandā€ piece!
Sorry, have to editā€¦ Mars, from the Planets has been used often, but not in the movie 2001. That theme was from Straussā€™s Thus Spake Zarathustra. Brainā€™s been too busy with a lot of other thoughts lately, lol.

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Wanted to share this beautiful piece by Vivaldi: RV 316a. Just delightful.

Edit: this is not my favorite recording but itā€™s easy to share from YT. I like the recording from Lā€™Arte dellā€™Arco.


Perfection. To paraphrase Z in his review of the HD600, if you donā€™t like this you donā€™t like sound and should just stick screwdrivers in your ears.


DT1990 Pros delivered this afternoon, giving them a first listen with a few favourites.


@Griffo Welcome. Great piece to start. Let us know how you like the 1990, I considered
that for quite a while, tho finally got the Sundara, which I like a lot (but they do like some power!) :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Hi, I was going to buy the 1990 last year but went with the Monoprice M1570 instead, so I just delayed the purchase by a year. on first listen to this symphony the DT1990 are doing a good job but would say the M1570 edge them out but I find planars better for classical (I also have Denon 5200, Senn HD600 and AT M40X). I looked long and hard at the Sundaras but the M1570 were the same price on Black Friday so I gambled on them.

Iā€™m really enjoying this version of the 3rd (and the 5th they have done as well)

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Excellent. I have been looking at those. I will be interested indeed to get your impressions of them.

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