All Things Classical

@Raptor168 If you can find this one ^ above, C’est Magnifique!


Yet another! Mutter etc good too.
I like the more forward soloist here and Jansen’s.
Personal tastes, lol.

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Giving this a listen now…


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All the Four Seasons listening got me more into Mr. Perlman’s playing!


@Raptor168 That was/is a fun “project.”
Always good to ck out favorites of others.
PS Happy New Year to you…
AND to SG and all those who contribute and enjoy
this thread. Happy sharing and listening!!


I’m checking this one out now.


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It’s so weird, I was thinking about spinning up some Bach tonight! Lemme know how you like this selection.

It was alright. It came up in Roon’s New Releases For You section and I was just looking for something to play in the background while I was doing other stuff.

The album was well recorded to be sure. But the music wasn’t quite my speed - I’m not saying it was bad; just not my cup of tea.

The solo organ of this album I can describe as light and airy but not quite fluffy. It was pleasant to have on as background music for me.

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Keyboards: Stephen Drury

Listened to the first half of the CD in the wee hours during an episode of insomnia, using the “low end” of my gear lineup: Shanling EC3 transport to Topping DX3 Pro via digital coaxial, outputting to Beyerdynamic DT 880 32 ohm.

Cage shocked the world and likely typecast himself forever as nothing but a crackpot eccentric with 4’33", but he was far from a one-trick pony. The pieces on this album lean much more toward minimalist than avant-garde (if you can overlook the prepared piano sounds and use of a toy piano), anticipating Pärt’s tintinnabuli style. Mystical and contemplative like Hovhaness, highly inventive, original, spare, and not-quite-predictable, this music is in my estimation far superior to the overblown, artificially emotional work of so much of the “contemporary classical” out there now (e.g., Arnesen’s Magnificat).

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I am giving this a listen right now. So far we are off to a very good start. I have the place to myself right now, so it is the correct environment for this work. Thanks for sharing. :ok_hand:t2:

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I had this craving for some Bach, so I started digging and found this gem. Lots to take in!

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Specifically the 4 tracks of Sonata for violin (or cello) & continua in D minor, Op. 5/7 by Corelli. I’ll circle back later on for the full album listening.

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