Allergies and Your Ears

Hows everyone doing with this? I get runny inner ears and congestion like a head cold.

If im lucky i get a point during the day where it all “releases” and i feel like my hearing is normal and eased (like someone took the veil off my ears :sweat_smile:). But it slowly goes back to goofed

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runny inner ear? EWWW!!!

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Yes i feel it tickle in there and i feel it just taunting me. Its like i need to itch it but its in a spot you can never reach.

Am i the only one?

stop using qtips

I do, specially if i use rubber eartips on IEMs, thus why i tend to switch to foam whenever i can.
“stop using qtips”, sure, but i can’t help myself, it feels wrong to have my ears packed with wax, specially when i remove the in-ears and it comes out full of wax, ew.

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I dont. From my years of sinus infections in the past i learned quick that if you have an ear issue those qtips will inflame things more

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I’ve spent a lot of money to get small improvements in sound only to have them wiped out by a head cold or alergies. I feel like Linsoul (or other audio companies) could make good money selling boxes of Claritin as a “sinus and ear congestion filter”. Something that reduces the noise floor of your head :rofl:

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When I get head cold, and everything is too harsh to listen to. I’ll take a Sudafed. You need that behind the counter stuff for instant results.

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Oh it does and the behind the counter stuff is what you need, but i tend to avoid it unless the headcold is really bearing down. It dries out my sinuses behind my nose and it will just burn.

every day. im allergic to life lol. feels like that at least. like you said, i get short bursts of complete hearing, most of the time there is a slight veil on most things. the bright side is my hears are so sensitive to treble, that without the slight veil i can hardly listen to music w/o massive eqing the treble down.

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Those few minutes of clear ears are so valuable and yet so fleeting. I dont have treble sensitivities unless im full on head cold then most everything hurts.
Allergy wise i just feel more pressure on my ears and that feeling like my ears want to lock up or defend as audio comes in.

Its a shame, temps are warm, sun is nice, breeze is cool. I just want to lay outside. But i cant even open my windows.