Alpha Omega IEM's Thread

How does the Origin compare to it?

A bit late to the party but here’s my review of the Alpha Omega Ra. I figured that some IEMs aren’t getting enough attention and I try to find and review them.


is Alpha Omega worth getting, if I have GM already?

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Alpha omega is interesting man, I enjoy the Ra so much wonder how much of an upgrade the Omega is.

Seems it’s tuning is on point but their customer service and quality control is Wack so buyer beware.

Edited…welcome to HFG’s :smiley:


I would say no it would be a sidegrade it’s alot easier to dial in with the switches both are simply fantastic.

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If you already have the GM, it’s a tough call—GM’s versatility and clarity might make it hard to top.

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I had an issue with my Ra and messaged Clement, he was ready to help. In fact, he not only helped me with the repair but also sent back with customs pre-paid since they are an issue in my country. Yes took some time(about 3-4 weeks) but resolution was provided.

Although yes the service could have been faster.


I don’t consider 3-4 weeks for a positive outcome to be excessive in your case :+1: let’s see how things pan out for other folk that may have similar issues :man_shrugging:


Yes, for those who aren’t reviewers. I don’t think we can ever discount preferential treatment, unless one can be certair that the retailer doesn’t know that they’re a reviewer.


Yea, I heard that Fatfreq got some QC issues for their deuce IEMs, other than that, is there anything that i don’t know about?


I’m from the same city as him though I’ve moved to Kuala Lumpur. I’ll have a chat with him next time I’m home.


Indeed man, i hope the issue for the other folks also get resolved.

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what issues did you have? is there some common known ones?

Treble is a bit grainy sounding, not smooth like 2 other sets I listened to. I have to use EQ to smoothen it out.

Two other sets of Alpha Omega or two other sets of IEMs?

2 other sets of AO Ra.

Not only should you not discount it…
It’s a fact. It happens all the time.

unless one can be certair that the retailer doesn’t know that they’re a reviewer.

You’d have to trust a reviewer and the sellers word.
Why would you do that?

Folks spend a lot of time pumping and dumping and do jack shit when folks are getting fucked.
Like this thread, Night Oblivion, too many to mention


LETSHOUER Cadenza 12 Video with Comparison to my Omega and Vision Ears EXT MKii

Omega is still #1 for me!

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