AMP with several headphone outputs

Hello guys! I currently have several headphones that I like to use interchangably depending on what I’m listening to and would like to eliminate the hassle of having to plug and unplug them. Which is why I’m thinking of buying an AMP with several headphone outputs!

My current setup consists of soundblasterx g6 on which I have audio from my pc, nintendo switch and ps5. PC is connected through USB and the consoles through usb to toslink ( ->toslink switcher with remote->opitcal in). My headphones are: Beyerdynamic Tygr 300R and MMX300, Audio Technica 40 Mx, Sigva SV600 (1. Version) and Superlux HD 681. All are not powerhungry hard to drive headphones so I assume I wouldn’t need a 200€+ AMP for this

I may have read it wrong but I as far as I remember AMPs are the one that colors the audio the most right? So I should go for one that is neutral right? Or is it just particular AMPs that do this?

The AMPs that I found on a quick search are those: Behring HA400, Presonus HP4, Swissonic Quadphone, LD Systems HPA 4. They are all with just 4 outputs but 1 splitter should do for sv600 and the superlux hd681 on one output right?

I hope I haven’t left out anything important. Thanks for taking your time reading this and considering helping me out!

I feel like you should be looking at an external switch box rather than limiting your amp selection choice based on output sockets.


Zeos had something like this, cannot remember what it was.
Probably it’s informed in his vids somewhere.

Should not be running out outputs. :slight_smile:

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I have found passive audio switches but they aren’t really cheaper than amps with same number of outputs that I found previously. What would be the advantage and disadvantage of either option?

Damn I really don’t want to know what that thing costs :joy: Definitely over spec for my use case

I wouldn’t. Behringer is not a high end brand to begin with, and their cheap stuff is only one thing: Cheap.

Like others said: Passive Switchbox or changing plugs is the better option.

For higher impedance (minimum I’d say 60 Ohm) Headphones, the ART HeadAmp4 would do well enough. I started out with one (and still have it), solid little “work horse” class amplifier.

Mackie HM-400 could be interesting, I have no experience with it though.

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They arent that expensive. The one i was looking for was 130$.

Think Zeos has a Tascam unit? They bit more expensive. :slight_smile: He used it with IEM shootout.
Zero knowledge what would be a good unit. Plenty of outputs still. :smiley:

There is no Sterling here in germany nor do they ship here I’m afraid!

I’m going to try the switch I found on amazon even though the mentioned AMPs seems interesting they are over priced/spec just for the comfort function I seek! Especially those big rack AMPs for which I would need to move things around again to have some space :joy:

Then again my question still stands: do AMPs like the ART HeadAmp4 usually color the sound or just specific AMPs like tube AMPs? Just curious about this.

Every piece in the chain does something to the signal passing through, that may range from measurable under lab conditions to heavily colored.

That trait is used during recording and mastering as well as during listening by those in the hobby.

I see thanks for the clarification! Is there any indication of how the sound is affected? Like in data sheets or something or is watching/reading reviews the only way to know beforehand?