I stumbled upon a VERY go deal re Fostex TR-70 and 80. 70 is open and 80 is closed and they are either with 80 ohm or 250 ohm and the price is the same for all 4 variants.
The price is around $95 no matter which of the 4 you choose and to compare I saw that audio46 in NY has the same model for $199, discounted from $250.
Can anyone tell me anything re these Fostex models?
(And is the Fostex Zeus has the T40RP?)
TBH they aren’t that great, I would pick the k361 or k371 over them for sure for example. They are decent, but not something I personally would recommend
I am interested in having a low budget, but still very decent re sound, HP to use when on the go and not using IEM’s. At $150 they are meeting the first criteria and Z like all 3 models (the t40 would be my choice as it is closed), so just wondering if they would fit both criteria or if there is other better HP’s at the same price point.
I have actually looked at them, being both Danish and having the H5 (and Z loves them as well), but then I am leaving the: the-price-is-low-enough-for-me-to-not-give-a-damm-if-something-happens idea
Yeah the t40 could be a good choice but in their stock form I don’t really think that meets what you are looking for sonically and is that great for portable
Technicality wise if you run them from your fiio a5 I think the t50 would have the better detail, but I do think the signature on the 371 is better. I honestly think either the t50 or 371 would be great imo, but just a different type of sound. For at home with a beefy amp I would chose the t50 and for on the go the 371 if it were me