Apparently, I'm a static electricity generator

The (big-ass) adapter has no ground either.


It’s kinda funny.
I also have had work related issues with electronic gear (laptops, pc’s, mobile devices and so on) with few special individual users. They always have had the most strangest issues. Literally with everything they use … These rare few tend to show up with the most odd’s problems.
When testing or fixing devices. They are 100% working and might come back after some times…
These few are like getting small shocks from plastic frames and wooden tables… yeap… tv remote not working and so on.

It ain’t just me. We talked this in work and only “logical” thing is probably has something to do with static electricity they just carry.
Have asked… they also have trouble at home and have had them for years.

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No, I don’t light bulbs when they’re in my hands.

…yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Man lol, this never happened to me at least. I think.


And yeah my JDS Atom is fixed now :slight_smile:

Got a static shock from a plastic wrapped book yesterday… yup lol. I’m one of the weird ones.

I built (and have upgraded twice) my whole PC without one.

Dumb? Probably. Not the dumbest thing I’ve ever done, for sure.

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As long as you are standing on the ground and have one hand on the case you should be fine

Let’s just say I’ll be more careful now, and “ground” myself before touching my audio equipment.

I can see you walking around with a hat that has an antenna that goes to the ceiling to keep you grounded everywhere you go, LoLoL!

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Copying here.
(From another thread – No, I don’t have sundaras, no, I did not kill poor, innocent headphones. :stuck_out_tongue: )

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do you wear a lot of 100% cotton? or thermals? or “breathable” sports wears? i find all of those generate a lot of static. also do you wear slippers/shoes in the house? the rubber soles will help you to retain more static energy.

multiple layers of clothing will also generate more static.


Personally… I find all this shocking!!




I remember a thing awhile back like years ago in an old science class I did ages ago where we held this electric ball and put ur finger near a running tap and the water would move. And it moved slightly when some did it, but when I did it the water nearly moved 90 degrees haha. So i know some people defo conduct alot more than others.


Welcome to my life. RIP my Schiit products :’(

Cloth chair on carpet with a desk covered by a mouse pad, dry weather, and no unpainted metal nearby. I wonder why I have a problem lol

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well…they were Schiit… :wink:

perhaps we can market ankle grounding rods? a bendy piece of wire connected to a ring you secure on your ankle.

/me starts reading reports of ground lightning events killing hundreds at a time… :rofl:


Yea man. The happiest day in the last month has been getting my Geshelli stuff and not having the problem at all anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

Monolith LP also doesn’t have the issue…grounding problems with the Schiit/JDS cases maybe?

When I have to count “properly grounded electronic equipment” and “not static sensitive” as a plus >.>


You have to say this one right and sound just like Doc Brown.

One point Twenty-One JIGGAWATTS!!