🔶 Audeze MM-100

This is the official thread for the Audeze MM-100

This thread is for discussion and reviews.

  • Type: Over Ear
  • Amp needed: Yes
  • Open Back 90mm Planar

:red_circle: Audeze Link


Z Reviews…


Definitely interested in these if Audeze can get 80 percent of the way to either the LCD-X 2021 or the MM-500 with this can, especially with better stock mids tuning than the LCD-X.

Reported weight of 375 grams already gets me excited. A HUGE trim from the 612-gram head barbells I own and love otherwise known as the LCD-X 2021.


I just posted this in Head-Fi too, but I have a friend who attended the NAMM show in SoCal today and got to demo the MM-100s for a few minutes. This is a quote from the text he sent me: “If what I heard through the crowd noise was a semblance of what they’re capable of, I think Audeze have a winner on their hands. I’m hesitant to say for sure because a noisy environment can hide issues, but what I heard sounded like it had potential to be awfully good for $400.” He also said that they felt no heavier than something like his Sundaras and that he had no problem with clamp force.

He also mentioned that the MM-100s were one of the busier demo items he saw which led to shorter demo times. He’s gonna do me a favor and see if he can hop on them earlier tomorrow when the show floor tends to be a bit quieter and more subdued towards the beginning of the show. I’ll let you guys know if I get any other impressions or info from him.


Mega. Thanks, man. This is SO promising.

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Ya if the MM-100 is really only 375g or 385g and sounds as good as say an LCDX I would love to try that…

The LCDX has always sounded great to me but at 612g it is just way too crazy heavy… It feels like wearing a space helmet…

The airpods max which is 385g, is really a decent weight, fine for extended listening…

The Sundara is 372g… The Arya is 400g, the He1000 is 420g, and they really are not uncomfortably heavy, I could wear any of those all day.

It feels like this headphone might be trying to go straight head to head vs the Sundara which was one of Hifimans biggest breakout successes. Excited to hear how they sound!

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Oh they changed the website it now says weight TBD… I hope they manage to keep the weight down

Shit, I would be happy with 450 grams. That’s still an Audeze on Ultra Slim Fast. :slight_smile:

Well Forbes article here says 375g and “lightest and most affordable” so seems their product marketing has already started selling them as lightweight:


Audeze MM-100 Professional Studio Mixing Headphones on a budget!


I was really sad when I finally heard these. They are super shouty to me. I sent them back almost instantly. I hope Audeze continues this path with somehthing tuned a bit smoother.

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