Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

I am actually coming from a FH3 and a Ikko OH10, i don’t own the Tea yet but it sounds like a good choice from everything i heard.

It sounds like the Oracle is indeed better, but it costs almost twice the price and i am wondering what does it do better? From the frequency response and the fact that it has EST drivers i am guessing it does high frequencies better than the Teas, but my main focus is soundstage and bass (as longs as mids and highs are ok), so if they are comparable in those two aspects and the Oracle really outperforms it mostly in highs then i would probably get the Teas instead. Decisions, decisions… hahaha

hye guys,
first of all apologies in advance, i knew this is IEM section but i believe you guys had more experience in listening to various iem and headphones and due to time constraint was hoping to get quick response, back to the question.
is the Mr Speaker Mad Dog Pro still relevant in 2021, I have a chance to purchased it used at around 210 usd and wonder if there is any better headphone at that price range,
other headphone that ive been looking to purchased is
argon mk3
harmonicdyne zeus
sivga phoenix
meze 99 classic
i want that sweet low ends without being muffled and sacrificing too much mid and high. Fiio FH3 and wanted a headphone with more bass with same clarity.
thank you.


I hope they sound as dope as they look!

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in my opinion, $1.500 is hifi,
worthy of summit-fi title is 1266, Susvara & Traillii,
there is a huge jump from EE Odin to Traillii,

What does “huge jump” mean?
Besides money…

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I cannot listen to the odin more than 5 minutes,
maybe it’s not my sound preference,

The means of Mest MK II & IER Z1R vs Traillii then. Not Odin. Still a “huge jump”? I don’t think Chris is suggesting Odin?

I returned my Odin. Too much money for me to spend when much prefer Thieaudio tribrids. I should have listened to @hawaiibadboy when he suggested the Clair vs Odin. I had to learn the lesson for myself I guess.



One well known reviewer told me he prefered the tribrid twins over ODIN…then ranked ODIN over one and into Top tier. :man_facepalming:

Another said in DM it was highly overrated then hyped it as being among the best. :thinking: his YT boss actually sells ODIN so…saw that coming.

ODIN is a manuever to keep relations with jack Vang. Gravy train master for EE

ODIN is a facinating look at the hobby …that might be a good video.



Summit Fi experience…funny I had a similar butterflies in my stomach moment when I bought my Z1R’s…was worried about spending that much :pound: on a set without trying them…more fit worries than anything :grimacing:…but after a couple of tip swops it was a holy fuck, this set is what I’d been looking for :1st_place_medal:elation, excitement and relief followed as I listened to my library knowing I had lucked out, this set has never disappointed me, the build, accessories, fit and comfort and overall that amazing sound sig :metal:to the point where I’m only passingly interested in other sets tbh…a great place to be if you love music as much as I do, feeling blessed and you speak the truth :yin_yang:


Glad you found THE set. :trophy: That sinking feeling sucks. :face_vomiting:
If you have none of that in your future…you have made it…to the no more wasted money zone :grin: :credit_card:


Wondering what everyone is planning on picking up during the sale…

@Rikudou_Goku 's peer pressure strikes again…




Dont think I will buy anything. All I need to buy now is patience. :joy:


Good purchase. Gold and Red nozzles ftw! :zap:


With the pop switch on. :+1:

I already have the GS Audio GD11, GD3A and the Smabat Super One, M2S Pro on the way. So thats why I wont buy anything (or at least I dont think I will hahaha).

I had $30 to use from buying the new tribrids, and I won $5 from Discord. I did everything Chris said (the social media stuff) and I got another $30 off somehow. I have no idea how to spend it.

It might be worth participating and see what happens?

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No need to waste more money when you dont need to IMO.

Get the A7 and then dont get other stuff and wait for the dust to settle with all these new tribrids at around 500 usd popping up here and there. (also to get more info on GS Audio stuff.)