Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

You packed so much info in this video my head damn near exploded :joy:

The FATfreq looks incredibly interesting - so. Many. Drivers. I know I know, more drivers does not = better quality, but to my, it is rather impressive stuffing in so many little drivers into such a small shell + making things work with even SOME level of cohesion. Color me impressed - $1800 is and will probably be forever out of my price range but I’d love to hear em one day.


Tonight at 10pm for Eastern Time if I’ve got this right then… I’ve always been rubbish at dates/times!


TBH the Maestro SE bass (frequency graph) looks a little too much for me tbh 70-73db :+1: but the rest looks :ok_hand:

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I thought it was meme tuning till Elysian DIVA showed me otherwise :v: :notes:

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If I did the time math right (and I probably didn’t) I think the Linsoul card sale is in 15 minutes. Just a warning to folks playing the game, every time you refresh the page it defaults your selection back to the $50 card if you had the $100 card selected. Just in case it saves some stress!

Yup live in 13 minutes

Hi Chris as that’s a different page to what I was looking at, maybe the one I’m about to link to below is last year’s page just not taken down? Or is it the right page to be on?

[Link redacted, wrong one!]

EDIT: I can remove the link after you answer so people scrolling through don’t click it by accident if it turns out to be defunct

Yeah that is not card sale that is 11/11

Ok thanks! Scrapping that link.

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And the sale is on

Alive she cried!

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Good luck if you’re trying to nab one

I couldn’t be more pissed off. The Paypal button kept crashing, by the time I got my Paypal card to enter it that way, it was out of stock.

EDIT: First world problems, sorry. It’s my own fault for investing time into waiting for some deal somewhere. Got one of the $25 off ones anyway.

Deleted my Paypal cookies in the browser to hopefully allow that button to work in future. No idea if it didn’t work because of Linsoul or my setup. Either way it was so disheartening to have nothing but a non-working button to press, knowing that every workaround would take too long.

I don’t like how they had the stock “It is saved in your card for 30 minutes” message ticking down above the checkout. I knew it wasn’t true/didn’t apply for this special offer but I hope there wasn’t anyone it gave false hope to while they worked out their payment.

the $50 is still up. Sorry to hear that :smiling_face_with_tear:

Was able to get a $100 one. Thanks for the reminder everyone.

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congrats. :fire:

suucks to have bad internet at the moment, I went to place my details and was going to payment page then poof 100$ is sold out.

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It’s amazing the difference in value since only last year. This year a $50 gift card is able to get you a HBBxQKZ for yourself and a loved one for the price of one.


A few folks cheated they have a few

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