Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

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Ooh let me know about the Lokahi, I have one coming too!

For those considering the Sennheiser IE300, imo you should skip it unless you are ok with a dark sound signature which manages to be dark and sibilant at the same time.

The bass is fun though, still i returned mine, and i love bass!

The Mangird Tea puts the IE300 to shame, big time.


I haven’t heard the IE300 but I like this statement. Probably because the Mangird Tea is my #1 choice before heading into tribrid territory. $500 and up.


There is a better ie300 without any sibilant,
Campfire Honeydew


I bought my SA6 and EST 112 through Headphones .com and their customer service has been pretty good to me, but I haven’t had to deal with Dunu directly for anything. Sorry about your SA6, that sucks.

Lots of good conversation here i appreciate all the knowledge guys. Seems like landing on a single dd is not as easy as expected, and seems reviews are tipping both ways for the ie300.

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Tanchjim Oxygen is an excellent set.


oh thats right i forgot about that one, I remember you saying it was bright and i had to return the FD5 because of that 5k peak, ill search the forums again oh and @hawaiibadboy great video on the Tribrid comparisons

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That 5k peak is not on the Oxygen.


perfect thank you for the graph, any genre you think would necessarily work on it? oh and the Chaconne, still need to try that one

Oxygen is a specialist for acoustic/vocal music.

Although if you are getting the Chaconne, the Oxygen is redundant and a downgrade lol.


interesting cuz i would lean toward the chaconne any way because i have to try it after really likeing the X6, regardless of bass plus that build is just oof.

If the Chaconne is in your radar, I would definitely skip the Oxygen.

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ok sounds good, ill just go that route

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Anybody know why you cant order the Mest in a 3.5 mm plug? Dropdown only has 2.4 and 4.4

Where are you buying it from? Hifigo has a listing for all three terminations: Unique Melody MEST MKII — HiFiGo
It’s also worth noting that you can use an adapter to convert 2.5/4.4 balanced to 3.5 single-ended, but not the other way around.

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oh right on i was just seeing people having good experiences going through Music Teck

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There are only a few very special IEMs or headphones which get a vast majority of reviews and listeners to agree. It either has to be really special or really bad.


Can confirm, MusicTeck is good peoples.