Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

i think i might just contact them then to see if its available, customer service at this level is important imo


I love mine. Thanks for the rec!


My Mest MKII arrived in 1 day.

I also spoke back and forth with Andrew (per above) and he has been nothing but awesome to me. They will be getting more of my business for sure.


Cant ask for better than that, and the Oracle is first on the chopping block I see

The Oxygen look like a really nice set, I like the clean look.

As for those yellow tips… They might be Spinfit CP-100 Large? I use medium and large all the time.

As for the Variations cable, I found this a handsome pairing… Thoughts?{"sku_id":"12000020435054849","ship_from":"CN"}&gps-id=pcStoreLeaderboard&scm=1007.22922.122102.0&scm_id=1007.22922.122102.0&scm-url=1007.22922.122102.0&pvid=43de1a6b-9d88-478d-b647-18bf172636cb&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_home.smartLeaderboard_6000198554711.1005002380254843

If this is helpful, music that I enjoy with sets tuned like the Variations include most all albums from artists like Adele, Ariana Grande, Aurora, Dua Lipa. Film scores with this kind of tuning are very enjoyable as well. I enjoy listening to just about everything Hans Zimmer produces especially the more sci-fi film soundtracks such as Blade Runner 2043, Inception, Interstellar to name a few. Hans Zimmer “Wallace” will shake your bones with the Variations.


It does look very sharp with that cable.

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So I’m listening to ‘Tempest’ from Tool, im on my hiby r3 and Lz A7 on a late night walk with the dog( Turkish Kangal, google if you love big dogs )

So anyway, there is a lush vocal with the Maynard and others inter-vocalising (is that even a thing let alone a word?)

12.45 -13.21
Control, your delusion
Insane and striking at random
Victim of your certainty
And therefore your doubt’s not an option
Blameless, the tempest will be just that
So try as you may, feeble, your attempt to atone
Your words to erase all the damage cannot

So, I noticed that I actually could not ‘hear’ some of the lyrics sung by the the rest of the group were not as pronounced. Now the thing is was it because of setup I was running or my iems or just the way the track is .

So currently heading home to sit at my desk and plug in to a better source and listen…and I mean listen…as that bit section gives a person goosebumps.

I blame you all and this…thankyou :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart:

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Man, listen to that section, and tell me if you can hear the lyrics. :grin:

Listening now…

I can hear them clearly. The secondary vocals are slightly panned to the right ear.

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That is a really tricky section, I am on my 4th IEM and wow this is a great section to test staging and separation.

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Its a lush bit for sure, which iem are you on?

Yeah, its what I realised as I was out and about, I had similar experience with the Starfeilds when they couldn’t produce a section on another tool track.

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Dopamine - USB - Topping D90se - Topping A90 - Mest MKII

Clear as day. Very audible here.

That’s what it’s all about. It’s not HiRes if you can’t even make out portions of the recoded music.

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Your trying to get me to buy more stuff :rofl:

I think that’s something you’re doing to yourself. :slight_smile:


I was going for a mix of sounds and prices it was audible on all of the IEMs I tested so far, but the placement of the singers shift and their forwardness also varies.

Using my IEMagni connected to a topping D10s, IEMs out of my more powerful amplifiers scare me, especially when switching this much.

KZ EDX and DQ6 both have meh sound stage compared to some of the others so they singers were right next to my ear very clear.

Both the ER2XR and the KBEars neon don’t do vertical sound-staging as well as some of the others so they were a little forward of my position at the same height.

The Moondrop Variations, Aria, and FH3 positioned the singers a little in front of the top tip of my right ear with subtle shifts in the exact distance away. Nod to the Final Audio E500 which also placed the singers in the same area.

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Fubar-topping A50s -D50s - p1 power supply.
Lz A7 -monitor mode with black filters.

That got me the better separation. Although, not perfect clear.

Thinks about cancelling teas and grabbing UP instead…I think $500+ bracket is calling.

No not mest…cannot justify that … yet

Wait…Tin P1 separated everything!!!
I can hear the group interject at start of the verses clear as day.

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Btw slightly off topic I was wondering how you like the Hiby R3. I am going to have to start flying again for work and I was looking for a small DAP for my flights.

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