Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Its a small and for easy to drive stuff excellent. You can push harder to drive gear, but it kinda sounds average.

Good player at the price point for on the go. Just don’t expect miracles from it.

I wouldn’t be driving anything harder then IEMs off of it. Headphones get to be too big a pain to cart around the world. Does it handle audiobooks? Basically I am looking for something to save me from having to drain my phone, tablet or having to keep my laptop out on flights of varying lengths… I think the longest flight time I have had to semi regularly is 13ish hours.

I going to presume it can handle audiobooks. Its late here, so ill check in the AM and update

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Thanks, I assume the ones that run android (any version) can sideload a audiobook apk. I just don’t know anything about the ones that run proprietary OSes.

It is just the android based ones have the extra power draw that comes with android.

Had a quick read, looks like you can stream from your phone to the player. But doesn’t appear to have functionality for audiobooks per se.

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Thanks, I guess that at least eliminates a bunch of hiby OS based DAPs then.

My man !! Thanks. I need more of those in my life :slight_smile:

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I hope that’s what it is. Please let me know if it is different but it’s the only semi transparent yellow tip I have seen. If it’s different, I’d be very interested to know what it is.

I did some tribrid listening of my own tonight…

There is something special about the tonal balance and stage of the Clairvoyance that’s just right.

I was listening to this while cycling IEMs which is probably more aligned to your library yet still in my realm… Lots of different instruments (vocals, keys, guitars bass and drums) with varying tempos. Slow moments, congested moments and aggressive moments.

I’d have to say my favorite of the group with this specific track was the Clairvoyance. I haven’t pulled it out to listen to it in a long time.



I read some poor reviews on this today and realized…I never agree with those folks so fuck it.
Love that case too.
Unique Melody should add $200 to price and put MKII in this.
(I know that case is not $200 but manufacturers need to see whats in it for them


Plus :+1:

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Aaaah :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
I had to buy from local seller.
Cuz fuk the buyer. Keep good relations with the seller.
It’s like they never saw the internet coming. :man_facepalming:


This track is pretty damn top tier. I counter with this


New Sony WM1Z??


Ha ha. No counter necessary. I’m a fan.

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Wha wha what??? I’ve been thinking on getting the WM1A and now there’s a potential new Sony DAP announcement? :scream:

If is a MKII of the WM1Z, it’s gonna be $4k+ I presume.

I have the WM1A (bought brand new just three months ago). If you only use IEMs, it is great, but underpowered, IMO, for many/most fullsize cans. JMO. The custom firmware for the WM1A/Z is terrific, plus ability to change regions…lots of ways to impact sonics if you so desire. I might be a Sony fanboy, hahahaha


Still happily using my A55! Been using MrWalkman’s firmware mod.


Hey guys, i wanted your opinion on something.

There are some people on head-fi saying that a Schiit Magni Heresy is not sufficient to power a Focal Clear or an Audeze LCD-X, and that is why i feel like i need more bass in those.

I say that is 100% BS, 2.4w @ 32ohms is plenty but to those guys specs mean sh** and if the amp does not cost at least $500 then you cannot use it with high end headphones.

I expect higher end amps may give better clarity, maybe better soundstage or better noise floor, but more bass??? What do you think about this?

Lack of power for me can make bass sound looser and slower. But no impact on the quantity itself.

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That’s plenty for FOCAL Clear.