Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

That makes perfect sense, but 2.4w RMS @32ohms would never be considered lack of power, right?

yeah, 2.4W is definitely not “lack of power” lol.

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It should be plenty for really anything other than a few summit fi exceptions such as the Susvara too, no?

I highly doubt i need a more powerful amp for an Audeze to produce proper bass…


For a Focal Clear, it’s definitely powerful enough - one shouldn’t be looking for bass on Focal Clear anyway - they will just distort (driver will bottom out).
Audeze headphones DEFINITELY benefit from good clean power and high voltage - something I used to not really believe.
However, it depends on what bass you’re talking about.
If you’re talking about sub bass, then yes, a better amp (better components for current delivery) could benefit you, if you’re talking about 80hz and above, you’ll be fine.
Do note as well that
A. Specs don’t reveal everything, you can’t just say “X amount of watts and X ohms” and expect it to tell the whole story.
B. Some amps are coloured more than others. For example, something like the THX 789 which has silly power, is rather linear and the bass rolls off - whereas something like the iFi has no such sound characteristic. Conversely, EQ exists, and if you’re not a purist, you can make wonderful things happen.

Tbh, that’s what everyone on that forum should’ve started with “Have you tried EQ”. Did anyone even ask you what songs you were listening to or what type of bass notes you were having issues with? Did anyone even ask for your reference (what you expect the bass response to be generally) or what you’re comparing to?

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The Focal Clear and LCD-X both don’t actually need a lot of power. Not to say that they won’t sound different/better on a higher-end amp, but yeah, you’re not lacking in power and a more powerful amp isn’t really going to give you some kind of bass boost effect.

EDIT: I’ve heard that running these kind of low-impedance headphones off of a higher impedance source like a Bottlehead Crack actually /can/ raise the bass quantity in some cases, but I only own low output impedance amps, so I haven’t tried it myself. It might be something to look into though!

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I am not a purist, at all, i EQ all my headphones and IEMs, no exceptions.

I was not even complaining about lack of bass in Audezes, i was just asking if the LCD-X would have better slam than the LCD2-C and people started saying stuff like “if you think any Audeze lacks bass or slam you need a better amp”.

Fu** that, i apply a low shelf filter to boost bass on Fostex X00 headphones, i like my bass and i am not ashamed of that.

I know with 100% certainty that i could buy a $25k amplifier (if that even exists) and i would still need some EQ settings to get the bass to where i like it, i am just really trying to make sense of what these people are talking about, like, WTH a 2.4w rms @ 32ohms amp does not have enough power to make an Audeze produce 100% of the bass it can produce?

This sounds like crazy talk to me…

Again not talking about quality, i believe a higher end amp can deliver more quality overall, but not more bass quantity.


It is crazy talk. You should ignore people who spout B.S.


I think these people are just trying to justify to themselves that the $2000 dac/amp stack they invested in is making a night/day difference in their overall sound, completely ignoring the law of diminishing returns.

I mean, i am sure those stacks are awesome in many ways and i would love to have a setup like that some day, but to say that they have more bass quantity than i have with my setup is nonsense…


I’ll be honest. I’ve had as much joy with IEM’s out of my $9 dongle on my phone as much as my nearly $1000 Bifrost 2 and THX 789 combo desktop rig, along with the cable interconnects needed.

You can all take away my audio credibility card, I never needed it anyway :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Headphones that are hard to power are another thing altogether. Power is required. No way around that. But how different the sound actually is between amps due solely to the excessive headroom being present in one over another’s just adequate supply? I’m not sure about all that first hand.

I know a bunch of HE6SE people say a home theater receiver is needed to power them properly, but I’m doubtful when I already love how they sound off a simple THX 789, or my TA-30 tube amp.

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Quality and quantity are two different things…those two have to be balanced which is a fine line and entirely personal…bass nuances, textures and impact etc will come down to your chain, preferences and library…there’s never a winner whether it be a $200 or $200K set up…as long as you’re happy with your jam then :man_shrugging::musical_score:first.


Honestly, I just think that people tackle these questions without any nuance and start making blanket statements.
Oftentimes there’s a mixture of truth and BS and all it takes is someone to sit down and clarify what’s going on.
If that occurred on every post though, it would be exhausting, albeit informative :joy:

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its all justification on their purchase haha, wether its low end, mid, or high end. bang for your buck or going all out to get the best sound you can


So to be fair, let’s not totally shit on the idea that the right amp can make a big difference. For example, I have some T50RPs that sound kind of lacking in fullness on every portable amp I own, but they sound fine on a desktop amp. I mean, if someone told me they either owned a Clear or an Arya or an HD800S, I’d probably recommend a totally different amp depending on which one they had, so I dunno, it depends.

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Sure, but a Schiit Magni Heresy is no portable amp…

I think many dislike the Magni just because of its price and nothing else. Like, something that cheap just cant sound right.

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This. The OG Clear was pretty bright and lacking bass for me personally but I generally love all the other aspects of the Focal Clear. That’s why when I heard about the changes that were made on the Clear successor, the Clear MG, I jumped and have been so happy with it. I don’t want to listen to any of my other cans because of it.

Agreed. The point can be made that if your headphones are under powered and you’re not listening at a volume at which point the headphone transducers aren’t working to their maximum potential, you won’t be hearing what your headphones can do. That makes complete sense to me. But for the most part, as long as your amp can boost the volume of your headphone past comfortable listening volumes and isn’t altering the frequency response sent from the DAC, your amp is doing its job.

If your amp can’t get your headphones loud enough, then there’s obviously a problem.


for me, it’s not a justification for the price,
but Ares ii + Singxer SA1/Jotunheim 2 is a good “value” for around $1.5k


I 100% agree with you on this, i got it because people praise its dynamic slam, say the bass is viceral, i swear i hear none of that in the Clear OG and that is why mine is currently for sale, hahaha


@luizgarcia I love and enjoy my bass but generally I prefer to be able to hear a well balanced mix. I want to hear everything. Unfortunately, to be able to hear the bass the way I expect to hear it, it needs to be elevated past what most consider neutral.


I agree with this.