Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Me too, i have a little bass bost in every single set…


Yeah, we know…


LOL, looks correct to me!!!


Ha ha. :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :kissing_heart: I might have been a little generous on the pinna gain.


Exactly my impression!

@hawaiibadboy kindly make a Xenns Up - EJ07M - Land comparison as well. I’m really interested to know where does the Land stand w.r.t them.

Graph is pretty much a good indicator/guide

Bass on UP and LAND are more my preference and a graph indicates that midbass suck out on 07M
Variations is more elevated and more audible that the bass is being warped.

Most producers cut out 20Hz and below for the simple fact that it has minimal info and max detrimental impact on drivers.
Sub sonic filters on car subwoofer amps do that very important move for audio enthusiats.

I’d take the UP and LAND for treating that area more in line with what I have heard my whole life.
I think LAND has too uch sauce on the cymbals and electric guitar. It’s like the S8F and that’s a great set but a lot has come along that does it better.
Ilove Tansiomirai though.
Great gear
No QC drama
Tuning is up to buyer and what they like. One of the more mature chifi companies


Hey guys, I created a topic on this site a while back asking for help in deciding a good set of IEM’s and didn’t get any replies. This thread seems to have more activity so posting my question here.

Looking for IEM’s under 350 USD, primarily for Electronic, Alternative-Rock & New Wave type of music among others.

Previously tried:
Blon BL-03: Ok tonality and decent soundstage but sucked at technicalities. Good for the price.
iBasso IT00: Bad driver flex. Nothing to fault with sound but overall sounded boring.
Fiio FH3: Decent technicalities but Mids & Treble felt off to me and soundstage was not impressive
Astell&Kern Diana: Really liked it but had to sell cause of limited soundstage and lacked energy in the upper regions. Kinda regret it, cause I feel it could have been a good complimentary IEM for something else and also cause it looked really good.

Currently looking at:
Etymotic ER2XR (found one used and going to get it)
Moondrop Aria
ThieAudio Legacy 3
ThieAudio Legacy 5

but open to suggestions. Sources are LG G8x & iDSD Signature. Interested to know what you guys suggest.

Personally, I’m not touching LAND with that much treble energy @ 5K. VS UP, I think it’s clear what the more enjoyable set is.


I’d love to get the Tea but currently I spent most of my Savings on iDSD Signature (arrived today) and the Mangird Tea costs 427 USD here so out of my budget (<350 USD) right now. Blessing 2 (387 USD) too is out for the same reason.

I could wait a month to get those but are IEM’s like Aria, ER2XR… not that good? I want to get the lay of the land before purchasing costlier gear cause used item market is not that great here.

Sorry to hear that buddy :cry: the thing is there’s so many IEM threads on here that cover most of the popular and some of the not so popular set’s with ‘owners’ personal feed back and thoughts, so doing at little thread reading and coming up with a list of set’s that interest you and why + a budget (like you’ve just done) helps massively :smiley:

I’ve tried the FiiO stuff, or one of them, didn’t like it so much. I tried the Etymotic stuff, didn’t like it enough for the fact that you have to prove the inside of your ear to get them in lol…

I seriously recommend though the Moondrop Starfield AND the ThieAudio Legacy , at this time anyway until I try more stuff elsewhere.

Starfield is clear, it pops, it’s fun for hearing the little sounds coming off of vocals and much else (but can get fatiguing).

Legacy 2 is laid back from that, never fatigues, and adds a slight warmth and fullness to heavier music like rock.

I would get both and consider keeping both or picking your favorite between them. They’re only $100 each but I prefer both over the $200 stuff mentioned!

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a lot of head banging and coffee went into analyzing and narrowing down the above IEM’s.
ER2XR cause that seems like the most different sound signature that’s worth a try.
Aria cause most everyone seems to love it and recommend it
Legacy 5 cause I’m hoping the extra cost will give me good separation and resolution/texture to the sound. Until I listened to Diana, I had no idea how much detail, texture and layering I was missing with the Blons, iBasso…

personally I feel Blessing 2 would be a great fit for me. But right now unfortunately out of my budget

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While I was narrowing down the IEM’s, Aria replaced Starfields. Yup, I’m unsure about the Etymotic fit too, but just wanna give it a try, mainly cause I’m getting it used. Legacy 2 is not yet available here, so overall not sure which one to get between Aria, Legacy 3 & 5.


My LAND is arriving tomorrow or the day after that and ill give my first impressions. But yeah, its a very treble-head set, it seems. Someone pointed out its really less piercing than fd5, and thats good enough for me. Lets see if i made a good blind choice!


No offense, I hope you love it. I prefer/need a more relaxed treble personally for my listening enjoyment. I’m a bit treble sensitive.


Oh I’ve got Aria incoming, so I can share my impression with the you soon :slight_smile: well…maybe a week or two at this rate lol

Shipping times sometimes are so long from overseas

I feel you bro, our tastes align. Really wanted to try something different from the teas that still had some bass. I just hope I dont hate them :stuck_out_tongue: on my list was the isn est50, variations (that you love) and ej07m. Still think TA is slight better but cant be harsed to wait 8 weeks. Might go straight into mk2 next :joy:

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Yes I do. :slight_smile:

I have a new description of the Mest MKII if you’re interested. The Mest MKII is as “pro” as pro can be.


Sure, I’d like to hear your impressions. Yup, waiting can be painful. Especially when you are really excited to try out a product.

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