Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

I shouldn’t be attracted to a four BA IEM based on my past tastes but there’s something about these that have always had my attention. The design for sure, the name is awesome too (apparently a season in the Chinese year, the time of year when all the bugs come out). Lastly, I think all the wonderful things I see you saying about it here and there have kept my interest piqued! I’ll have to PM you sometime to ask about it’s sound. :+1:

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Not sure if it does that (iOS app) you can save and recall so same thing pretty much. :+1:

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Feel like a beta tester because of the “old” Hana…

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I think a lot of companies just use another name. Same process. Listen to criticism then fix the flaws.
Maybe the Tanya lovers will feel like beta testers when the release a set that doesnt break when you try to change the tips

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Buncha crybabies STFU.

Shit happens…

Looks like just a bit of superglue would fix that right up… I am always really careful of changing cables on MMCX IEMs since I have actually stripped one completely out of it’s socket before.

before I get it posted, I didn’t know there was a tool for it at the time and I am willing to take part of the fault for stripping it… the other part I am placing on the IEM though.

Thieaudio actually replaced it with a brand new IEM. They took care of me.


I accidentally left my “Mele” on the stand… :shushing_face:


Forgot to ask what connector are you using on your IEM?

Listen to stupid people, win stupid prizes

  • *Muhammad ali

standard .078 2pin :v:


Very nice, welp now I am going to have to find another 2pin cable to match that beautiful silver and black version.

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The minute I have it…you will too. Thanks BTW!


I love matching cables. Can see that beauty matching with my graphene cable :blush:

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Pic of Hana.
My set being in thepic was unintentional


I’m definitely not the only one checking back for an update on this one. Come on Linsoul. :wink:


Used some pics to show your iem on headfi. Hope you ok with it!

@Rebeltr0users Thanks :pray:
No prob and thanks. :v:

I’m aiming at the BLON crowd since I am a member of that crowd. :raised_hands: