Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Empire Ears LegendEvo


So about GK10. Now penon realized they fucked up and sent the package on its way, anyway. They want me to pay again but with a big discount… 10% looooool

Someone’s gonna be mad

You had a bad set right?

Fuck them
Stop sending DM to your shills and pay attention to the logistics of your company dude.

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No. I canceled my order after seeing how much QC problems were rising. That precog thing was the last drip for me.

They accepted the cancelation and refunded me. Now they sent a pair anyway and are asking me to re-pay, but only do 10% discount…

You canceled.

They want you to pay for 90% of their mistake?
Am I getting that right?


Yes,exactly that.

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That is …kinda bonkers.

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And I’ll probably also need to pay taxes on it. So fuck it, unless they wanna do a big discount, I’m not paying 90% for something I canceled.

They are lucky I dont wanna do shady things. Any other person would just pick the package, ignore them and get it for free (just taxes) .

Do you deal with Penon or Geekwold directly?

Penon! Which did a great CS on my land, but screwed this time

4 sets totally different
A solution found (for 1 fucked set) that can pierce a driver
That fix gets passed on without the driver piercing caution …of course :man_facepalming:
Folks who keep rec’ing treating the QC like a non issue unless asked.
Maker joins headfi without following the MOT rules.

Tell Penon to eat dicks.
That takes some balls to suck 90% out of a lost sale and sell it as a deal to you


I told half or nothing, they promply accepted.

Cant wait for having a half price with half function drivers IEM :joy:

Only reason I paid was the other items on the package that I need and are worth 50% of the price.

If said nothing, I’d have paid 90%

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Can you measure your set?

Not yet, but im almost pulling the trigger on a measure rig.

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That Legendevo looks fucking nuts :loud_sound::loud_sound:😵‍💫 :money_mouth_face: :+1:

But what’s their “Propriety” BA’s :man_shrugging:


First time? I seem to recall them having another iem…oh right. Its called the GK3, guess that was so horrible they rather forget about it lol.


What are the odds that 2% ends up in the 1st 3 dudes to graph its possesion. :man_facepalming:

I live in Japan
Precog is in California

The 2 guys with graph tools are the 2%?

You folks are all nutz and that dude is shilling his own stuff without a MOT tag

Only the problems of users who posted?

Is ANYFUCKINGBODY ever going to post a graph that looks like it isn’t a disaster?


I’m done with that topic

ZEN time with BOB


Well that set’s gonna cost him a buck or two…



I like the Father Ted GIF.