Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

What modifications? (and what iems?)

Not even gonna talk about the wildest unit variation ever seen in chifi.

Think about that.
The most random azz unit variation of any set to go through any 3 peoples 711 coupler.

The GOAT of fuckedupedness…of Chifi


That gif. LOL

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It’s not my “must have set” anymore :joy:

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Yup, I ignore reviews where they are stating to sound best, you should burn in iem for 200 hours, put for 100$ cable on 50$ iem… If it doesn’t sound ok straight from the box, something’s wrong


Could get lucky and get a rando set that doesn’t have a dead driver, a blocked driver a cable that doesn’t match/fit the set


That’s not really a mod though. The issue is that the QC is (probably?) fucked, meaning that there is a good chance the hole is gunked up with glue, but it’s not supposed to. It would sound good OOTB if you are lucky like me and get a set that’s not fucked.

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Yea true. Reminds me though of stuff I’ve heard where people say you need to punch holes in things, remove meshes, remove pieces with 3D printout grills (I’m looking at you HE6SE), blowing into the cups to remove dust/hair causing unwanted resonance (grado, having too big of grill spacing with no mesh), too stiff cables that make fitting IEM’s weird, tips that sound worse than what anyone else has in their collections…

…adding dekoni* nuggets to headbands because the bands are uncomfortable with hot spots, bad adjustments that worsen over time…

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Yeah…another pet peeve.
Just make them fit humans and fuck making an income stream for your buddy who is always at the next booth at a Canjam
Cable guy great friends with IEM guy. Etc Etc.



Damnit spellcheck


Nah, demon is cool :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:…I got the point. :v:


Wait Hifiman actually knows people who make “good” cables… I thought they just never know what a headphone cable was supposed to do.

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A reviewer should be reviewing the product as-is. Don’t listen to the bullshit.

Keep up the good work. You had me laughing with your Sony intro.
Btw… I noticed that might be an HE6SE on your desk? What do you think of it?


You guys are on a roll! Keep em coming!


I dunno, I think mods are fun sometimes! It’s really cool to tinker and make changes and hear what differences it makes.

Also, even as a reviewer, if it’s /very/ common to mod a certain headphone, I feel like you would kinda have to mention it in a review. Like, it’s weird, but I feel like a review of the stock T50RP would be kinda useless to anyone looking to buy one.


Oh I love it. BGGAR was entirely why I got it. If it wasn’t for his nod to it, I would’ve been unlikely to have thought to get it.

Speaking of mods lol…I took out its mesh, replaced the grills with 3D printed ones from eBay, replaced the headband and added nuggets, and replaced the cable it came with (super bad feeling cable).

Apart from that I love it :crazy_face:

Actually though, I do love the sound. So well tuned to my tastes and clear as all can be. If I could only have one headphone, though it would hurt me to lose my favorites, I would keep that one.

EDIT: People were so peeved by my take. It’s like people have different tastes or something!


Damn. Nice. I’ve recently been thinking about giving a good planar a chance again and was thinking about BGGAR’s #2 choice of the HE6SE. I was watching your latest upload last night and noticed it on your desk and said I’ve got to ask you what you think of yours.

I actually was thinking of hitting buy now on one last night but I couldn’t find the aftermarket meshes and thought I’d talk to the experts first. :wink:

I just recently let a bunch of headphones go and I realized I only have dynamics left. I have a ZMF Aeolus, FOCAL Clear MG Pro, FOSTEX TR-X00 Lawton-modded and the good ol Sennheiser 6XX.

Do you think the HE6SE would be a good compliment to what I have or something like the Aria? I’ve been seriously thinking about just dropping the cash for the Susvara eventually but who wants to spend $6000.00 on a headphone?

I have no experience with any of those except the 6XX (which I haven’t listened to yet but plan to for a future comparison with other senns). Don’t want to say too much about my plans, being on BGGAR’s thread here :stuck_out_tongue:

I would at least just say that for my tastes and ears and library, etc…I like the HE6SE more than the Aria. The Aria came off to me as too tame, almost too balanced without much sparkle or fun engagement somewhere. Nothing really came out forward enough for my interests.

But everyone’s different…I can honestly appreciate how someone could see the Aria as their top headphone too. Just not my thing.

EDIT: oh! And a link recently got shared on the head-fi thread on the HE6SE that led to a discounted HE6SE V2, all the way down to $600, so don’t get the full priced one!!


Thank you for the help Dan @tkddans and of course you as well Chris @hawaiibadboy .

Your recommendations, wealth of knowledge and friendship are always appreciated.
