Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Some folks (2) have had moisture issues. However they were living in places where the climate is one long summer pretty much. I have 2 sets and have not had an issue…and Japan is a wet muggy steam bath right now. Making Olympic athletes buckle.

BTR5 balanced is not enough to drive believe - according to Porta fi
Is it true?..just asking.

@hawaiibadboy @Erokh @Resolution @tkddans

I’m getting myself a Mele, GK10 and FH3 or TRI Starsea.
Mele and GK10 are must have right now…

Thank you everyone for replying!!!


I honestly don’t know about power requirement for the Believe.

Isn’t the gk10 the new iem with huge QC issues? I would advise against buying these.

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Don’t buy gk10

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You watch Porta fi?…


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@Erokh @igor0203

m not buying GK10 instantly, I’ll wait for sometime.

right now for few months or till the end of this year, I feel like it will be same situation as YBF and L3.

I was searching for kbear believe and just saw his video, the only thing I did was -click on pause button and went to comments section directly.

I don’t watch his channel much, the last time I saw his channel was for M11 Plus.

Edit- And when he started talking about heights and depth for a DAP,…I knew it was over at that point :joy:

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I bought the GK10 but it hasn’t come in yet.

Seems to be getting a bad impression so far here at least.

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Mine should arrive next week. I canceled the order, got refunded, but they sent anyway 🤷


When every graph is different, they put a BA in the toy plastic nozzle and have shills who skip over graphs, driver fails …there will be a divide between a shill site and a site not filled with sponsors.

This site

Anyone from Penon or Geek Wold address the QC?

Atleast BGVP did that much.
Soulless shills getting paid in gear to whore themselves while Headfi just counts money.

Advice is to put a pin in the breather hole to remove glue
(Precog punctured a driver when he did that :man_facepalming:)

Don’t give crap advice folks …just keep ignoring graphs and stfu


Looks like the other shoe did drop.

Heard about these 2 a month ago and nobody knew.
I feel blessed :innocent:

Wagyu tripping? :face_with_spiral_eyes::grin:



Amen! Preach it brother!

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Since everyone seems to be getting a different set, I believe some will have very good sound, some will suck ass.

It seems the old 50-50 ratio. Either you get a nice one, or you dont.

As said before, since Lands I dont need more IEMs atm, so not in the mood to gamble.

Only want a pure DD on my collection now… Does anyone know a good single DD that looks good and doesnt brake the bank? Hum? :rage:

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TForce Yuan Li


Nah, more important to change the cable!


I keep getting gear that people say needs to be modified to sound their best.

I understand these manufacturers may be small and they may need to release products sometimes just to see how the ears of many respond (and share improvements can be made for another model), but jeez…can I have something that sounds best out of the box with stock configurations included??

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