Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

What they failed to mention is that Duralumin has a poor corrosion resistance.

Well, I’m sure there are some welders, or people who work with sheet metal, know more about aluminum than me, but to use Duralumin is pretty suspect to me.

Idk, it could just be some marketing ploy for all I know.


Waiting on Vibranium drivers…



Honest mistake.
No biggie :+1:

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Yeah…yeah…maybe the duralumin is B.S. but what about the Myrinx??

Myrinx in YO FACE!!


Trust me, I’ve seen all the pictures in both this and Rikudou’s thread (and a few others)… :+1:

Amazing collection You have!

You’re the reason (or at least the last push) I jumped on the Tea.

I’ve been eyeing it for a while, but when someone with as many IEMs as You recommend it in many threads, it must be something else… :wink:

It’s currently in customs here in Denmark.

Shipped from China.

Sooo close… :upside_down_face:

… Some day, the Mest MK2 too, but I’m enjoying the journey so no need to “skip chapters”… :rofl:


Talking about cases. This that I own also suits Daps.

I´ll take a photo next tuesday to show you.

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Enjoying mine…

Enjoy the trip. Just make sure your wallet can handle it. I have to admit, once you’re at Mest level, it becomes more difficult to be interested in attaining new gear. This can be a good or bad thing depending on the motivation of your hobby.


Astell & Kern Solaris X


Flaaaaaaaat has hell


That 2k peak…


Geez, who would you want to tune like that?

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Flat with a 2k peak, that’s basically my nightmare tuning.

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I might be a mids to upper mids head (especially a nice rise from 1k going into the treble), but where is the rest of the 2k-4k

@hawaiibadboy, i have two questions for you:

  1. How do you control you volume output to 77dbs? Want to grab something to do some tests;

  2. Do you still rec xd-05 or do you think there are better options out there, atm? Im looking into it (maybe the balanced one) and just found that you have this video on it

Measure with a mic and a 440Hz test tone and leave it at that. Adjust all sets before evaluating. Becomes a pattern

I have not used Xd 05 in a while but it’s a great piece of kit. You can roll the opamps

Oh wow, that’s a really nice little website!

A while earlier, some of us were posting YouTube videos and stuff to see how far our hearing extends, but it’s so much nicer to be able to choose specific frequencies to explore the limits of what I can hear. (It would be a stretch to say that I can /hear/ 16.5k, but I can /feel/ it enough to still be able to tell when the tone is and isn’t playing.)

EDIT: Also, the XD-05 Plus is pretty great! I tried four different op amps (including the Burson that everyone recommends) and I ended up liking this one the best out of what I tried:


I was watching DMS’ review for the Arias, and he whipped out something called the iFi IEMatch.

Apparently, it reduces the sensitivity of IEMs (and headphones I would assume), and lets you drive at higher volume.

I have a JDS Labs EL 2 Amp, and there is a sweet spot between 6 o’clock and 7 o’clock I have to be in for all of my sets (bar the Tin P2 and the HD 6XX). If I go too close to 6 o’clock, I have a channel imbalance where my right ear has less volume than my left. If I go near 7 o’clock, the volume is too loud for me.

I feel like the IEMatch can solve this problem, and let me get closer to 7 o’clock. That way, I can avoid channel imbalance, and enjoy more out of my amp. However, I’m not sure if this is the proper solution, so I would like some feedback.

Yep, it will do exactly that. The IEMatch+ is -12db on high and -24db on ultra. I use mine all the time when I am not using my IEMs on my IEMagni.


How easy is it to swap amps? Im on the fence for it. Maybe the balanced version. 4.4mm newer dac and already comes with BT

Handy little thing. IMO it’s worth it over the EarBuddy. The build quality of the EarBuddy is questionable, the shielding breaks easily at the base of the connector.

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