Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Pretty easy? You unscrew four screws, slide out the board, and replace the chip. I guess the “replace the chip” part is a little more stressful since it grips a bit tight and the pins are pretty small/thin, but it’s really not too bad.

I can’t speak to the balanced version: I only own the “Plus” version, and honestly, I tend to prefer single-ended for my amp outputs anyway.

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Thanks for the response, I will put this in the wish list now.

Have you ever used this on a phone or DAP? Because my iPhone 8+ does a pop when I switch apps with audio, or play/pause music & videos.

Oh, and since people are talking about the IEMatch, the XD-05 Plus does hiss when you adjust the volume if you have really low-impedence/sensitive IEMs. (If you run into that issue, an IEMatch does fix it, lol.)

It would probably fix that… but might drop the max output too low. Not sure though. I mainly use mine to get past channel imbalance on my high output amps when run too low. Let’s me go rom only having about 0-1/8 control on my schiit fulla to 1/3-2/3 control.

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I see, I’ll keep that in mind. I’m someone who fidgets by switch apps a lot, so the popping gets on my nerves. I think getting rid of the pop is a fair trade, if the price is lower volume output. I don’t listen to my stuff very loudly anyway.

Did a quick test on my iPad, and it did when leaving the amazon app it is the only app I could think of that reliably will pop on my Dunu EST. For an Android dap you will have to wait till Tuesday or so since I bought @rattlingblanketwoman’s M3x to try out an Android dap and it comes then.

Oh whoops,yes it did stop the pop completely on high. It also on high goes from about 1/4 volume to needing almost 3/4 for the same volume and on ultra pegging it at max is not quite as loud, but close. So with something not as sensitive as the Dunu I could see even the High setting causing a unreasonable drop in volume for some.

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Thanks for the explanation. All my cables are 4.4mm and it already comes with the BT module and better dac chip, so guess ill pull the trigger soon :slight_smile:

Okay, thanks for testing the gear out for me. Also, I don’t own, nor plan to own any DAPs, but thanks you for trying it out regardless.

I have the Blon BL-03 and Tripowin TC-01; the Blons have 32 ohms while the Tripowins have 16 ohms.

It’s pretty scary using the Tripowins, because I can hear my music playing when I have the JDS Labs EL 2 Amp at 0 volume on the knob @ high gain.

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The Dunu EST is 10 Ohm 110 sensitivity (though sensitivity calculations differ wildly between manufacturers I have found)

The EST needs Ultra setting on the Fulla and it still ends up towards the lower end of the 1/3 (9 o’clock) to maybe 1/2 (12 o’clock) depending on the song. On the IEMagni I always use the negative gain setting for it and drop the volume a bit.

It would not get out of the imbalanced region of the fulla with the IEMatch set to high.


Thank you for recommendation Dan @tkddans and of course you as well Chris @hawaiibadboy .

The HE6SE V2 arrived today, it has already changed my mind that planars just aren’t for me. It’s really great! I have lots of stuff ordered to mod the hell out of it. Can’t thank you enough!

Susvara is looking like the last piece of my puzzle maybe.

In addition, if anyone can tell me where to get grills like what Antroid and @hawaiibadboy have on theirs, I would super appreciate it. Thanks!


Ah! I see you took off the grill/mesh while you don’t have a replacement yet that’s more open.

Notice a difference?

Yep, I mentioned the upper mids might have sounded a bit off to me and after I took the grills off, it improved. Why on earth would they design the headphone with those grills when it’s obviously detrimental to the sound?

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Excited to hear more about this, and how it compares to other single DD in this price zone. :+1:

:green_circle: PADS Dekoni Elite Sheepskin replacement earpads for the Hifiman HE4XX Series
:green_circle: GRILLS
:green_circle: HEADBAND

EDIT: That grill mod guy is dead or down. If i find a newer dude I’ll let you know. Folks in He6se thread might know?


@hawaiibadboy Thank you. I ordered the Dekoni pads and the headband the same day I ordered the headphone. Also got some Sundara pads since they’re supposed to sound pretty good with the HE6SE. Worth a shot.

The grill is the only issue I have right now, but I’m in a controlled environment so leaving the grills off doesn’t seem like I’d be hurting anything but I’ll continue to look.

Appreciate the advise and help!

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Yea you really need those demonic nuggets.

Attach it to that headband for ultra comfort. The headband replacement has hot spots for me.

EDIT: pictured…


Demonic nuggets for improved Bass texture and a copper cable to bring the vocals forward


After 500 burn in hours and using 1k power cables connected to perfect measured UPS :joy:


Did FiiO just review their own gear…


Well I mean, it’s at least efficient, you gotta give em that. And it saves a bit of carbon footprint by not sending them out to pesky reviewers who might say mean things…