Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Lol seems like FH3 is my first and last Fiio product


This. Returned FD5. Only own fh3 that i might sell and btr5 that ill replace with xd-05


They are absolutely sobotaging themselves instead of taking critical feedback


Yeah and I don’t understand why they’re doing this…
Instead of listening your customers/reviewers and take their feedback to improve a product, they do the opposite. Crazy

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Not going to defend Fiio, but at least they did state that it was someone at Fiio doing the review and I am really not sure sometimes reading reviews on Head-fi about some of the reviews. That being said it is funny.

I did order the FD3 and it comes Tuesday. Currently I am wanting to try it against the FH3, Aria, Er2XR, and anything else in my collection that is either single DD or around it’s price.


Hows do these compare to sundara?

I look forward to the comparisons! :+1:

So… the stealth magnets were the upgrade made on the Sundara and Ananda 2020 now??? The assumption sure is not that there only was a pad change.

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Just bought it. Gonna be interesting to compare.

The sundara was warmer to me, and blunted a bit in areas where I wanted faster driver responses or something. They didn’t “sparkle” enough for my taste. Good set for people who like laid back sounds maybe. At least, from what little I remember of my short experience with them. I much prefer the HE6SE.

Though now I have so many unopened Hifiman waiting to try out, who knows what’ll be my favorite.


Is that the pre or post 2020 “version” Sundara. Big difference.

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It’s late over here. Is that a question? Since Hifiman wrote that quote a mail to them would make sense. They wrote it. Mentioned SUNDARA 2x

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@hawaiibadboy did you test Fitear AIR 2?
Looks quite interesting with foster DD

No, I tried 334 and another model. Really not my thing. Very polite/slightly inauthentic low end replay IMO

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I’m just trying to get to the truth. Zeos is obviously convinced HIFI Man have revised their products beyond just their pads. In the video he posted, he makes accusations that the revision might be steath magnets since that is what is written on the card that came with the HE400SE and he even states that it’s possible the same card came with the Sundara and Ananda and over looked/missed them.

All of this is extremely confusing for the consumers. Who/what do we believe?

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No the Stealth Magnets revision is only for the 400se. I believe that the stealth magnet is a trickle down application of a magnet design used on other Hifiman products. I believe that includes the first production of the Arya’s.

On the Arya’s is was called the Advanced Assymetrical Magnetic Circuit.


Somebody please tell Zeos to stop spreading misinformation and assumptions then. He’s a super spreader!


Seems that Hifiman was being specific to Sundara and not any other set as they only mentioned that specific set.
I trust they were being truthful as lying or no comment would lead to more sales by folks buying a new version that is not really new beyond the pads.


Anyone tried that 400se? Might grab a pair down the road. Was looking at sundara, but this sure is cheaper…

Crin wasnt fascinated by GK10.