Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Was expecting worse, not gonna lie lol


love this



NX7 can actually pierce a hole into your brain with that upper treble :rofl:

Wonder what grade he is going to give it. Not necessarily too aligned with crinacle’s ranking usually. He rates the FH3 and BL-03 the same as Final E1000 (all c+) which is kinda weird to me.

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D+ or C- I guess.

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Tried E1000 for the first time today. FH3 is a bit better, no doubt. Altho, I’m starting to like this neutral tuning.

Hmm funny, there is no competition whatsoever for me between the two.
My ranking would be A+ for FH3 and BL-03 (prefer tonality of the bl-03 and technicalities of the FH3) and a C+ maybe for the E1000, though that includes the fact that you get the tips with them.
(GK10 would be A+ as well, however penalised to a C+ for QC issues).
The E1000, like the FiiO FA1, sounds decent if you listen to them for a while and not listen to any other IEM/headphone in the mean time, buylt to me sound all kinds of messed up if you listen to other IEMs.

Love this part…

Basically they were the creators of the once-hyped GK3, an IEM so terrible that it is one of the very few to be awarded the lofty rank of “E” on my extensive ranking list.

It scored an F in my list. :joy:.


Yeah, I dont think E1000 is any good. But if I think that they cost like 25$, it is what it is. Would be a C for me. First sub 50 usd iem I heard tho (got them in a package through amazon jp for the tips) . Got a Tin T2 for 55€ and returned it after 10mins :joy:

FH3 would be a B (very nice entry level). Never heard the blons, waiting on Mele to cover that spot.

Now that you mentioned it… When Mele @hawaiibadboy? :smile:

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Everyone asks “When mele?”, but is anyone asking “ How are you doing Mele?”


This is so sad @TkSilver

I don’t even know if I’m getting my Geek Wold. Says held by customs in Brazil. I ordered them July 7. Eesh

EDIT: I ordered two things off Penon audio actually. So it may be the other item I ordered. Either way, still hasn’t come for over a month of wait.

@hawaiibadboy :man_facepalming:


Dont you need to deal with customs? In Portugal you get a notification and you need to deal with it yourself. I have some buds stuck in customs for about a month now… And I already paid


Like I need to call or email customs myself?

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This was the funniest part of the review

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Wait, he knocks them with a con because he doesn’t like how someone else out there has a different impression on the sound based on a graph?

I don’t even…