Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Aahw shit, I was just too late to join in on the beef. Very funny that the guy quoted himself to get the beef started lol. I think it’s very important for reviewers to share when they suddenly get dropped by a brand after a bad review, since it says a lot about how much you can trust the first batch of reviews of a new product.


You know, I found it very unfortunate when reading some of that person’s posts. There can be an unnecessary bashing tone.

There’s a fine balance many of us do try to strike with how we talk critically about others without making it personal or excessive - and that post shows unnecessary personal offense.



It’s over anyway, doubt he doesnt think about it next time.

Edit: gonna leave screens here, seems they are deleting posts and pics lol.


Did I see things changed again to the 20th now for the Mele?

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Yeah, it’s the 20th. IEM waiting for the packaging.


11 more days…11 more days where I can go bankrupt… :sweat_smile:


Would you think the Hana 2021 an upgrade over Aria? I have it on my waiting list along with your Mele :triumph:

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I’ve rarely ever seen @Rikudou_Goku show any kind of emotion. About time!

I very much enjoyed reading the very last two words of your post. :slight_smile:


I have a lot of patience and try to be respectful even towards people that arent very respectful to me. But when I snap, oh boy…


It also got removed by the mods lol.


This is advise well given. Can I get this tatooed inside my eyelids. I normally insert feet into mouth most of the time so I can really use this advise.

Words to live by for sure!


@Rikudou_Goku you are amazing. You obviously love this hobby and spend an enormous amount of your personal time helping others and researching everything you can to better your knowledge and help give well-informed advise to anyone wanting it. Thank you for all you do. I am so sorry you’ve gotta put up with asses on the internet that don’t appreciate your efforts.


But would you still be true to yourself if you followed this advise… it is part of why I love reading your posts, well that and the memes.

Much appreciation to @Rikudou_Goku & @hawaiibadboy for putting up with us. Thanks guys!


Being totally honest now… If I’m coming off as an asshole, it’s usually me just having fun because I come here to have fun. I love this hobby and I like learning and helping others when I can as others have helped me, but sometimes I do have some fun and I probably go too far sometimes especially when others don’t realize I’m just having fun.


That’s how I generally see it. But I also live by “Offense is taken, rarely given”. I chose to almost never take offense to things and I try not to offend people as well, but I don’t worry if they decide to take for themselves.


Gotta love how every review is pretty much the same word to word lol.
Honestly people that claim cables and burn in affect sound (majorly) should be put on a list.


QC is expensive, so we wouldn’t have such bargains if the Chinese production were on par with western standards.

In the long run, I could see some brands evolving and steer towards this “quality” direction, but then they would have to rely on their image of expertise to fight against cheaper brands. Basically what the western brands have to do now.

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About “remuneration” by patrons, I’m always amazed how people underestimate the cost of making reviews and surestimate the income that derives from it. Honestly, who can really make money with audiophile reviews? I don’t really know “the game”, but apart from Zeos (who had to publish his videos daily!!), I don’t see so much people.

This hobby is niche, and the “competition” is quite fierce. I can’t imagine any sane person getting into reviews telling himself “hey, I’m gonna earn money with this”.


I’d curb that enthusiasm. Not all western companies are all that either.

Indeed. Some brands aren’t good about QC ( nor customer relations, for that matter). I could even name a few(not audio related, though). But the general/average level is higher with “western” company, compared with chifi.