Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Yeah, technicalities arent stuff you can tell from a graph. Although certain stuff do have some implication. Like having a lot of upper-treble will help the micro-details and making it sound airier overall. Boosted bass and recessed mids are a typical way of having a bigger soundstage.

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I was more just being a smat-aleck
 but there is a bit of truth. You can skew the scaling on a graph to make something look better or worse, you can ask the right people the right questions to get the answers you want

Basically if you don’t trust the person/entity that is producing a statistic/graph you should also question the statistic/graph.

For audio gear I don’t trust company produced frequency graphs and I tend to trust reviewer graphs when I see they have a track record of making repeatable tests.


Graphs can give you a good indication of overall tonality & frequency response.

Looks like I’ll be makin some graphs of my own!


I agree in part obviously some factors can not be determined by a graph In this branch of the hobby they are technicalities . The fact is these really require listening something absent in personal audio. I have been an audiophile for a long time and do miss demos though they were flawed by what the room was like and the quality of the store.

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10 more days to MELE :partying_face:


I’ll just leave my 2 cents on the fountain, even if Im newcomer compared to most people here.

Graphs dont tell the whole story, but they make the first chapters. They give you a picture, a description. Then you take drivers into consideration. DD bass is different than BA bass or BA treble is different than ESTs’.

Once you add all that, you already have half of the story. Sure you still can’t judge it by the cover. Speed, stage, imaging, etc, but it points in a direction.
A good example of this is the budget king Blon-03. Good graph, good timbre, cheap technicalities, loved all over.

The oposite side of the story:

You can tell already a lot from this. If you are, for instance a bass head, you know with 99% confidence this is a set to avoid. If you are an EST treblehead like me
 Well, this is garbage. I don’t care about technicalities if it sounds bad to me. I don’t care about bass being fast if it’s non-existant.

So yeah, only half story, but avoids blind buys. This is why reviewers like @hawaiibadboy are so important in the comunity. Sure, you might agree or disagree with his aproaches and opinions, but he talks about MUSIC. Even if your library is different than is, like more than half of mine, you have points of guidance. Every top reviewer should have measures of what they are reviewing. This is the reason i’m getting EC711 next month, and I don’t plan to review.

2 cents out, peace!

(MELE ON 20TH :rage:)



I was talking about your own upcoming personal impressions of it, but if it’s going to be the same as Chris’s then I guess it’s good! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I guess it’s official, cables do make a difference
 To the marketing department at least.

Fiio - “Compared with the FD3, the FD3 Pro comes with warmer vocals and higher resolution capacity in high frequencies when equipped with a pro-grade cable.”

I’d really enjoy to see proof of such a statement.

“higher resolution capacity”??? What does that even mean? There might be some source or some amp or some dac that might make the FD3 sound more higher resolution but only with the “pro” cable? But just in high frequencies? What frequencies? 20K? Cause I can only hear to 16K.

I guess it’s official, I’m done with Fiio. Pure and complete marketing bullshit at its finest.

The truth - Expensive Earphone cables are a scamđŸ’„ - YouTube

I also find it really interesting how their “entry level” product can be pro at any level? I guess this pro cable is really something else.


This is FiiO and we’re here today to say that FiiO’s products are great but are even better when bought with added FiiO accessories. Thank you for listening to our unbiased purchasing advice.



Not that I’d trust any difference shown bythem, but have they at least pretended to release two different FR graphs to back up their upsell?

Edit: Ah you’ve got the same question on your mind. :slight_smile:

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Please link to it.

I was asking the same question as you: whether they were going to at least mock up something that shows their claim. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I guess on HF for the most part they know their words will go unchallenged, I doubt they’ll bother.

No one there wants to be the child telling the emperor they’re not sure the cable changed anything.

I really wish companies wouldn’t do BS like this, if they just said “The FD3 Pro comes with a nicer cable and an exclusive color” then honestly it would probably be enough for some consumers to go $40 is fine for that.

So they now go into my list of companies that I don’t believe a word they say, but if they make a good product I will still buy it
 they have good company in that list Apple is definitely in there as well.


Gotchya. How can they when it’s absolute bullshit? It’s complete marketing bullshit.

People are asking why they are selling two different products, and instead of simply saying that the pro cable is prettier and has interchangeable connections, why not add in it’s a total possibility that the pro cable has the “capacity” to be higher resolution in certain “high frequencies”.

Where they messed up was when they stated that the pro version actually has “warmer vocals” than the non-pro version.

I’m trying really hard not to swear constantly in my reply. I’m really upset because they are completely just lying to people now in an attempt to sell more products.


OMG, I just wrote almost exactly that above! lol

I mean the color of the IEM and the modular cable were the exact reasons I got the Pro version
 the funniest thing is that even Campfire doesn’t claim this BS and if you get a high enough resistance cable with the Andromeda it actually does change the FR. Not for the better but it at least changes.

You will “love” this. When I was looking for a company that could make a custom Etymotic cable I came across this and just noped on out of there

The BS in what a cable can do is mighty impressive.


Anyone interested in getting a FD3, just remember this

No matter how “PRO” your Pro cable is, your IEM will always be entry-level. Stated clearly right from Fiio themselves.



I didn’t look at the nonsense in detail but why is my gut telling me that the more expensive the metal/alloy, the more exotic and lengthy the characteristics are probably listed as? What serpent grease.