Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

The cables are between $50 and $1100 US before you tack on an extra $100 or so for the hardware (terminations, splits, etc.). They also give each cable a percentage score for lows, mids, highs, soundstage, and (maybe the only truthful thing on the site) softness. Guess which cables score higher…

Man, $1,000? That’s nothing. Head-fi downright celebrates the new flagship $4,500 cables that have been released the past couple months.

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Honestly I ordered the pro FD3 because I couldn’t immediately tell the difference on the Amazon page, so I thought…screw it…maybe if the material even just feels nicer on the cable to the hand, I’ll try it out.

In hindsight, I should’ve just got the standard one because I have soft cables I like to use anyway.

I guess a part of me thought, hey if they’re pushing the pro thing, and I can’t find the differences on the marketing page so immediately, I’ll pay a bit more for peace of mind.

But again in hindsight…that shows a company using marketing tactics over simple transparent language in order to get customers to buy things for “peace of mind.” Short term marketing win, but long term marketing fail as it hurts brand image.


I’m waiting for Dsn**s to claim that cable on Pro will transform music into new dimension


You’re late…

Full disclosure tho, I like the guy. Has been nothing but patient and good to me. But when he talks about cables… We have different opinions


You implying:

He’d knowingly spout bullshit
Remaining 100% anonymous
And seperate unkowing casuals from money that might be a decent portion of their income in a week or a month?
You think he is that fucking detached to actually rip folks off?
Dipping his hooks into a never ending stream of folks who only realize later they got fucked…maybe join to bitch and get shouted down then just bounce from the hobby cuz it’s all bullshit?


Ah my bad, I didn’t see you replied to me. One of the two issues I have with this forum is that you don’t see an icon or something when you reply to the last post, so it’s unclear whether it’s a reply to a post or to the thread.
Anyway, I’ll be sure to post them, but it’ll probably be 2 weeks before I get them.


I don’t like and ignore reviewers who throw bunch of words to describe how something sounds. Especially because English is not my native language and when someone starts throwing in “magic words” (looking at you audio123), how can I imagine how “articulate bass response” will sound. What tf does that mean?
I’ve been in this hobby for 20 years and I’ve learned that 95% of the sound is transducer, if not more.

That’s why I dig for @hawaiibadboy, @Rikudou_Goku and @Resolution because they do it completely opposite, they take a track and analyze it.


What is “flagship iem” even mean? By Cambridge Dictonary
“the best or most important product, idea, building, etc. that an organization owns or produces”
By definition Blon BL03 or even QKZ Vk4 could be “flagship iem” since they was best product of said manufacturers.
Or does he imply that poor people’s opinion on audio gear is irrelevant since they cant afford expensive gear that qualify to be called “flagship”?




Yeah, I get the same feeling. Since i’m not a native english speaker as well, sometimes I need to read the stuff 10 times just to try to figure what most reviewers mean.

That’s why I talked above of reviewers like HBB and why music is important, if it’s not the same as your library. Gives you a starting point. It’s awsome for people like me that go from Techno, to Jazz, to Pop, to Rock, to metal, to EDM, to Classical, to Accoustic, etc etc. Usually I can match music from his library to my point of view and my library, with a margin of error ofc.




It’s the same old “people that can’t spend tens of thousands of dolars in gear should STFU”

Biggest example to me is the mother fucking Teas. Please compare me the Teas to Traillii.
Sure, the second is better in most or all fields, cool. I understand that. But is it twice as better or an improvement?
Does it worth 20x times more money? No? Then why do I need to spend 6k usd to know how a good IEM sounds like, when Teas are amazing?
Why do I need to spend thousands on gear to know a good timbre when Blon-03 exists? (sure, it’s technicalities might suck - never tried, they coming when mele comes).
Why do I need to spend 6k on a bird, when I can get the Mest Mk2 or Z1R? Sure, personal preference, but does it worth the money? Do I learn something new from that price jump?

I’m here to learn and to have fun, but man, i’m steaming.


A flagship is rather the product in which the company squizzes the most of its knowledge.

Thus the flagship is often:

  • their most expensive product
  • rather poor value
  • more a marketing thing than a real “best seller” product
  • a base of tech to downgrade to make the “real” products

It’s okay! I had that kind of problem as well sometimes so no worries. Yeah, I remembered you not liking the sound of the FD5 that much so that’s why I’m quite curious about your upcoming impressions on the FD3. Sure! I don’t mind the wait. As long as the set arrives to you safely!

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Nice watch Indeed :+1:

Funny how GS Audio solved 10 out of 10 problem : no box, BMW-like names :face_with_hand_over_mouth: but they do have a great rep on AE.
Looking forward to @hawaiibadboy getting his hands on some of their sets.


You’re not? You are amazing then! Good job.


I’m portuguese :joy: that lil corner close to Spain where the customs take ages to give clearence :joy:


Thanks for this. Didnt knew Fleetwood Mac but I’m a sucker for good female voices. Own you one

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"Rulers make bad lovers
You better put your kingdom up for sale
Up for sale…"