Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Very weird, i could order with free shipping to Slovenia

Yeah I could also get it for free (without taxes) in Portugalā€¦ but waiting is over-rated :santa:


Free shipping used to be available to Macedonia, but for some reason they changed to only express for some countries. I see from neighbouring countries, Montenegro is also included in express only list. Doesnt make sense, as most chinese companies have no problem shipping with normal post here.

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That sucks :pensive:

Since youre pretty close to me, get 2 pairs and come to visit. Ill buy you a beer :stuck_out_tongue: :)ā€¦ actually when i think about it that would be worth at least 2 beersā€¦ Its done , 2 beers it is :slight_smile:

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Ordered one for my sister in the UK, now to order mine!
Iā€™m not at a place where I need to try new IEMs (I am head over heels for the YanYin Aladdins, I will have to make a thread (or join one if Iā€™m beat to it) once I have a detailed review ready instead of gushing vague praise).
But I said Iā€™d order a pair of these and I will. Iā€™m sure I wonā€™t regret it, and if financial disaster strikes I expect the Mele to be perfectly good enough that I can sell of the Aladdins but keep these guilt free, and still get plenty of satisfaction from my music. Like I said, if these sound anything like expected I will recommend them constantly to friends who are getting curious about their audio, family looking for upgrades, etc. I have very high expectations, and anyone remotely curious in upgrading their audio significantly can spend $50. There isnā€™t anything else for $50 on the market right now which can compete with a well rounded $180 IEM (Hana 2021). And itā€™s a tuning thatā€™s pleasing to most ears.


Even though Iā€™m broke but Ordered!!! :smile:

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been super fun getting into this hobby, hope itā€™s a great set!

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I got one as well, with the cable. I was planning on skipping as I really donā€™t need more than what I have (Oracle, Aria) but :man_shrugging:. Waiting for the LBBS earbuds to go on sale on the 23rd and Iā€™m all set. :smile:

Yeah same thing here for Brazil, US$30 only the shipping fee. I will have to wait to be available on Aliexpress since I can get free shipping from there.

@hawaiibadboy Good luck keeping your PayPal within ā€œcleanā€ limits now!


I Wanted to wait for reviews, but your video got me (especially with the Hana comparison). I have just ordered one. My wallet donā€™t thank you!!

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I know that I just said I was saving for MEST and getting out of the gear pursuit, but obviously I gotta try the Mele.



Yeah, Iā€™m very very tempted by that Aladdins. Iā€™ve came to a conclusion that my library is shifting alot to midcentric by the day, and Aladdins are a flirt for it. But since I own the Teas and I wanna get Mest, Iā€™m gonna probably pass on it :confused:

Exactly, same. Will make me less sad if I end up selling my Lands and my Teas wonā€™t feel alone.


God Bess you sir for the direct link and saving me from having to find it on Linsoulā€™s siteā€¦ not all heroes wear capes.

Got mine ordered.


I canā€™t flaw the Teas, I canā€™t verbalize what I didnā€™t quite like about them, if you love them youā€™d probably not need to move to the Aladdins from them, and run the risk of not liking them as much as our tastes differ a little. I think it would make sense for you to pass on them, and I say that as someone who thinks theyā€™re the beeā€™s knees.

I would absolutely love to try the MEST some day, not sure thatā€™ll ever happen though.

I just got the funny thought of some person working in Linsoulā€™s shipping department wondering why there is a rush of orders for an unknown $50 IEM that they didnā€™t do their usually release promotion event for.

Also guess I am going to need to order another cable.

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They did some, and thereā€™s a giveaway!

You can get a bundle, Iā€™m done with cables for some time, I think (hope)

The jelly cable in the bundle didnā€™t interest me. Might go for another xinhs cable.

I donā€™t think Teas are perfect, no IEM is (so far, I think). But I see them as a gentle flower whom I need to white-knight for! I love them and they mark the start of my journey (even they didnt were my first set). I might sell my Lands and FH3 to get Mest, but Teas are staying.

With that said, Aladdins got me curious, not gonna lie.