Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Can anyone explain to me why anime has anything to audio products? not like Campfire’s gonna put this on a product box anytime soon :man_shrugging:t2:


Probably because the anime community and audio is linked together.

Lots of anime have great music, so I guess thats why people want better transducers, so a lot of weebs turn into “audiophiles” as well.

And Moondrop (and other companies) are simply using it as extra marketing, targeting both hobbies.

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I guess so….no different from my era sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll…not sure it helped sell an audio gear though? :joy:

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Perhaps they sold more recording devices in that time :joy:

A little part of me thinks Moondrop tries to masquerade as Japanese company. Japan and Japanese products have an air of quality to many people–Japanese included. Because of this many Chinese companies tries passing themselves off as Japanese with names and marketing (foreigners see weird symbols (kanji/kanzi), the same as them using American of British names.

Moondrop especially appeals to that. They’re one of the few who push the anime scheme along. This isn’t discounting China’s own anime industry, but I think Moondrop uses Japanese anime as a way of marketing to a niche. Outside of Moondrop, what other companies do the same? Ikko… actual Japanese companies with partnerships… :man_shrugging:

I also think it’s half-hearted. I’ve seem similar marketing schemes in other fields where their anime/cartoon characters were personifications of their products–descriptive to help buyers decide. But Moondrop kinda just slaps anime girls on shit and calls it good-enough.


So weebs look at girls and not their cables? :man_shrugging: Variations cable entered my top, only beaten by Blon’s cable :rofl:

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Personal take, I think of it like a learning process for China. With all the censorship and lack of freedom of speech in China, the awareness of various advocacy campaigns and human rights movement may not be as widespread as compared to the rest of the world with greater degree of freedom of expression. So I hope as as China opens up more trade relations with the rest of the world, all these awareness will eventually catch up with them. Peace.


So I guess if Moondrop did an after market cable it would be called the pearl necklace? :joy:


Although chinese anime is on the rise, so it might not be long before they use that as a marketing tool instead of only the japanese style (might look the same to non-weebs though lol).

Faaeal (hibiscus)
TRN (TA1 has a weeb version)
Tanchjim (there is a weeb version of the Oxygen, but 2x more expensive lol.)
and I know there are more but cant think of their names at the top of my head. Easy way to get more sales.



So it looks like I missed Moondrop’s marketing department not wanting to be outclassed by Fiio’s in the WTF were you thinking award for 2021.


Oh god. :frowning: I wonder how many will actually get this. Probably better the more who don’t.


Is that phrase even still common… now I am making myself feel old just by asking that question.

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Forgot about those! :raised_hands: And true, very true.

Honestly, all of Chifi starts to blend together after a while. Random acronyms, weird sounding Chinese names, brands that sound like a mashed mix of different asian words…

Gotta stand out in someway. :man_shrugging: If a dozen brands isn’t doing it, I think you’re still standing out in the realm of Chifi.


Agreed there is no need for that with any company. You thought we would have moved past this crap but apparently not. It may factor in a current buying decision but not in a way Moondrop would want!


Exactly. I hope not. I’m not as old as @Ohmboy , but I’m up there. It’s not a phrase I hear at all anymore.

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I think I know what Moondrop is up to


My impression is that ChiFi just generally skews younger, and brands like moondrop are positioning themselves as the mid tier go to within the segment. Younger people, in Asian countries and increasingly in the west at least have a familiarity with cartoons or anime, so character branding is really a decent idea. I suspect the sort of younger person who would be looking outside the generic known of sony/apple/Samsung/beats big box store audio gear are likely more in tune internet denizens than the average population so flashy conversation starting anime theming is likely to appeal well to their demographic with a fairly global reach.

It honestly makes sense to me. I think it’s a bit weird as I’m the sort of person who over thinks these things to try to prevent branding from influencing me much so I can focus on the quality of the individual product but I still get it. - I suspect it’s the same for many in this community where their regular waifu branding was already a stretch so that post which to the person who put it up was probably considered edgy humor flashes literal sirens for the rest of us.

Fortunately it looks like there are some reasonable minds in moondrop who got it taken down and recognized how far over the line that actually was.

Personally I’m inclined to take it as an act of very poor judgment of whoever was on their social media accounts at the time - again presumably someone who is younger themselves and so far into the edgy side of that culture that they’d normalized something like that to themselves and not boycott the whole company by wrote. I would like to see them address it officially though outside of the comments from their account on headfi.


Does anyone here have experience with DAPs and how dongles stack up these days?

I tried the FiiO M11 in 2019 and it was very disappointing sound-wise. The E1DA 9038S Gen2 smacked it and up and in every category.

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I don’t even know what this means. Do you have an example?

+1 Totally agree with this. Moondrop I believe did the right thing and removed it so I am believing this was a mistake probably by 1 individual and we should not demonize the entire company because of this mistake. If it continues to happen in the future, that’s a different story.

It was a mistake. Nothing to see here, let’s forgive and forget for now until it happens again.


I have seen people say that the L&P W2 dongle is close to the Ibasso DX160.

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