Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

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So waifu and anime are the same thing?

I donā€™t see anything wrong or sexualized with that image. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve had no issue with Moondrop until today.


Might be better :wink:

Waifu is now used more broadly but still somewhat ironically. People very deep in anime culture (and video game culture now as well though less common) construct around themselves a fantasy where they actually pretend to be married with an anime character. Some people truly take it as far as youā€™d imagine that could go. Generally now though the culture uses it in a somewhat self aware way but has generally taken it to mean ā€œcute anime/video game character which I like better than most othersā€ usually tied into attraction - something like that.

For moondropā€™s branding:

Thatā€™s what their boxes look like. :upside_down_face:


Anime is japanese cartoon.

Waifu is when you like a particular female character a lot. (some weebsā€¦go a bit far though.)


What he said ^

Iā€™m a little long windedā€¦

you are correct. But my version is moreā€¦non-weeb friendly. :joy:

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I own both M3X and L&P W2. Itā€™s about price to performance. If you have a nice cell with sdcard, Iā€™d say dongle.

If not, either buy a cheap android and use a dongle or pay more and get a DAP.

I prefer daps, but dongles are a cheaper alternative in any way.

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fingers crossed hoping that is true, that itā€™s a case of misjudgement of one individual instead of a collective decision of the company. But apologies are still in order. Moondrop please own mistake and may this be an one off incident. We have our eyes on you

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Personally if a company does something that can be taken as offensive, I donā€™t really care. It is still a bad business idea to alienate a part of your potential customer baseā€¦

If a company does something anti consumer then I care. Lie to your customers and I am far more likely to write the company off.


Not really. Iā€™m genuinely going to find it a lot hard to choose to buy from them after this. At best itā€™ll even out with some people liking them more for it, some people abhorring them for it, and some people not caring. But itā€™s possible for this publicity not to help, and in fact drive away some customers.

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Thanks guys. Iā€™m trying to understand. Sorry, Iā€™m old. This is all very weird to me.

The whole reason I started getting into IEMs was because of the Moondrop Starfield.

This is what the packaging looked likeā€¦ (not my photo)

I remember it to just a starry night sky but there is a female on the box.

Gotta agree. This makes me really sad. There are lots of other companies out there making great products that are not doing any of this weird anime stuff that I am not into and do not understand, and posting sexualized anime drawings on their social media. Hello Unique Melody. :slight_smile:

Dont worry. The weeb community can definitely be weird, even for me as a weeb of over 10 years lol.

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Again sorry, a weeb is someone in love with a make believe anime character? You are a weeb???

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A weeb is someone that likes Japanese anime/manga.

(like how the term for us people is usually ā€œaudiophileā€.)

Oh my. OK. It sounds like a geek or something like that. And someone who is in love or infatuated with an anime character is a waifu?

ROFL, Iā€™m going to school today. I feel like an idiot.


More like a western person that likes eastern (Japanese) culture.0_MzZxk4o7LhmUeYzC

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Weeb = addicted to 2D girls a.k.a. waifu
Audiophile = addicted to chasing great sound

(Never go extreme whatever addiction youā€™re chasing)


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A waifu is an anime character a weeb wants to be their Wife. So basically it is wife with a cutesy Japanese/english mix of a word.

I guess, but specifically for japanese stuff.

The specific female character is the waifu.

That is on an extreme level. I am NOT like that, dont worry. :joy: