Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

OMG, the expression on the Asian man’s face next to him is priceless. lol!


Yea every niche culture that exists has their embarrassments… welcome to the anime ones.

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Yeah. Just look at how it is here in the audio world lol.

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OMG… It just clicked… Is Zeos a weeb then? He always has anime girls on his monitors!!!


Lol…yes. Yes he is.

Beat you riku


Yes he is.



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Yes sir, this $2000 cable uses golden hyper nano graphine particles to enhance the smooth sound of the tack while also increasing the dynamic sound of the bass and treble. It’s nano weave fibers enhance the audio by preventing sounds from getting lost in the cable while it makes its way to your ears! Truly a must for a truly premium experience!! :joy:


Look at EVERY background picture on his monitor. Pretty much says enough :joy: :joy:


Generally speaking the unwritten rule for weeb culture when it comes to corporate involvement is to stay away from the more lewd or extreme side of anime, unless you are talking only to weebs since well people react exactly like how you reacted.


Got it. And Moondrop accidentally let through weeb content that some of its audience obviously is attracted to because of their waifu branding/advertising.

One more question. Does any of this have to be overtly sexualized or can it just be a cute anime character?

Their tuning is also aimed at what most people would call “weeb tuning”.

Nope, doesnt belong in the audio world IMO.



No it doesn’t implicitly have to be sexual. The connotation is often there, but doesn’t have to be.


The reason why I say it is a general unwritten rule is that there a few “levels” of weebs.

There are ones you would never know are weebs. They just go home and watch their shows or read manga and never tell anyone or show it.

There are ones who don’t evangelize the hobby but you can tell if you look. Like me a riku both have anime avatars on the forum. Usually will answer questions if asked but won’t talk about it otherwise unless they know you are also in to it.

There are ones who talk about it often, think Zeos and how he compares audio gear and his anime wallpapers and explained why he chose a specific anime wallpaper.


I have felt that the anime girls Zeos have on his screen are drawn quite revealing and very sexualized, but it is art and they usually are quite beautiful. I didn’t understand that these are characters people become infatuated with or fall in love with tho.

I’ve heard of people making real full sized dolls to live with and marry so I guess this isn’t much different. As long as no one is hurting anyone and people are happy, live your lives I guess.

I had no idea your avatar was anime. @Rikudou_Goku 's avatar is a cartoon about Dragonball right? That’s something about characters beating each other up and blowing up planets with their powers. No sexualization going on there right?

lol, you guys are probably laughing at me so hard. This is the first (old man) experience I’ve ever had where I’ve personally realized I’m very detached from basic younger culture.


So a large portion of anime has what is called fan service… think a hot springs episode, but steam everywhere so you know the characters are naked, but you don’t really see anything, or skimpy clothing (both men and women). Most of Zeos stuff is just fan service.

What Moondrop posted is echi content (think lewd) content. There is definitely something blatantly sexual, but it is not quite at porn levels. This is a big grey area and something a larger(ish) company probably shouldn’t post.

Then there is Hentai. (Anime Porn) this can be as graphic or more graphic then real porn. Any company would be committing corporate suicide posting that to the general public,

There is fan service in dragon ball, though mostly half naked men kind. Some skimpy outfits for women though too.

Also I have been watching anime since I had to import it on VHS tapes… so not exactly young either. I just like a good story and good art.



Unless you count men with bulky muscles as sexualization lol


Can’t wait for Chris to wake up and see this :rofl:

Ohm can move this all in to a teaching the elderly off topic convo if HBB really cares.

I don’t but then again I am a man. I don’t know if Drogonball would be targeted at women. I doubt it. But who knows. I’m realizing just how much I have no idea about today. Thanks for educating me guys. I think I’m getting my head wrapped around all of this.