Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Nope, it is targeted at younger boys. (shounen genre, literally means young boys.)


Dragonball isnā€™t targetted for women for sureā€¦

Type text here

Random audio postā€¦ :sunglasses:



Well itā€™s kinda the unfortunate circumstance of the current dating culture nowadays in Japan where guys are getting more and more meek or ā€œherbivorousā€ as itā€™s described over there since they lack the ā€œwomen chasing driveā€. Not to mention that most women in Japan as well tend to heavily prioritize work instead of dating that all in all leads to a significant drop of the birth rates of kids in Japan that the government is even doing projects to incentivize guys and girls to get together.

Add to the bit that Japan has such a rich art and animation of very eye pleasing characters with pleasing personalities and such broad variety that when compared to actual women seem lacklustre if they even want to get into a relationship in the first place that is. Itā€™s easier to just be infatuated and fantasize getting together with the ā€œperfect girlā€ than deal with a real person, social anxiety, etc etc.

If you want a REALLY esoteric example itā€™s like that one Greek legend of the guy who is only in love with marble statues, but according to records it seemed to be a pretty common ā€œPreferenceā€ for men in those days.

And people with their ā€œWaifusā€ are essentially the modern equivalent of that


That is actually pretty awesome. I would worry it would screw up and wreck the tapeā€¦ so I wouldnā€™t use one. Though I would like to watch it work.

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Early DB sure had some fanservice (comedy based), although it is a really old manga (original source), 1984.

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Seeing that cassette gif kinda reminded me that my dad is actually an oldschool audiophileā€¦like as long as Iā€™ve been alive. He has like a pretty big set up in the living room and a smaller one in his man cave, uses tubes, made his own amps etc. I think he has a current collection of a 200+ or even more different tubes in storage

He isnā€™t as into the hobby as much these days(got others going on), doing different ones because at his level things are pretty craaazy expensive, but hell if I ever need an amplifier or tubes Iā€™m pretty much covered haha

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Well fortunately Iā€™m not offended easily, because I see my name on that screencap lol. TBH I didnā€™t say anything because people already said something and I dodnt feel I had much to add.
I think itā€™s a really weird thing to do and I will probably think twice before buyin a moondrop IEM, but why should I be offended? Iā€™m not really into the anime thing (except like Naruto, DB(Z), One Piece and Bleach, the basic stuff), but this doesnā€™t seem much more lewd than a lot of stuff floating around on the internet. I might be wrong since I donā€™t really know whatā€™s up, but even though I think itā€™s disgusting Iā€™m not necessarily offended I think?


This is messed up on so many levels!!

Was wondering - I mean it doesnā€™t explain a lot but by any chance is it poor english, or a miss translation?

Fiio released FDX and Moondrop was like, hold my beer bruv

Already questioning myself if I wanna get the B2 or the Variations at this rate. If their behaviour within their company are derogatory towards women (yes, it doesnā€™t only have to be anime girls.), Iā€™m not buying any of their products no matter how good their iems are being praised by many others.

To be able to post that picture nonchalantly and being approved to post it at the same time says a hell lot about their company culture.

I dunno?
You got kids?
You wanna leave that box with that on a table that anyone might see including a kid
You in the audio hobby to watch a company post a pic of a drawn girl with semen all over her ass?
Iā€™m not there to say what the fuck and @jude and the mods cuz I was the guy who planted myself in TRINITY threads @jude and @joe in posts where the got ripped off $280 or more and nobody was helping ā€¦and nobody ever did.
I did not get banned for the reasons claimed i got banned for calling out jude in public and in DM cuz his glossing over of clear fraud was incredible.
TRINITY ripped off about $87,000 under Headfi banner. Cuz folks were scared to speak up and get banned.

Fuck Jude, Fuck the sponsors
Fuck Moondrop and a soft porn rape pic that Headfi could care less about.

I teach young girls to grab the world by the throat and break that glass ceiling in Japan everyday as my job

No the CEO Herbert (iirc) is a freak according to his own friends


Fellow teacher?

I teach by the way :slight_smile: Elementary school

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My students go to the best Universities in Japan.
Cuz they are winners.

That 3 person slingshotā€¦
Blasted a kid in the face that day of pic and knocked his baby tooth out so we scrapped the rig and did not use at the beach BBQ


Herbert Zhang President of MoonDrop Technology Co

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Thatā€™s the dude.

Pedo porn patrol President


They came in here and asked why I was being mean and said perhaps it was because they had stopped sending me gear but waitā€¦

Kanas Pro

Were all bought by me. STRONGLY rec;d by me too
I slammed SSR which was an IEM they sent and I bought DHL mine arrived 1st and I roasted that garbage.
Their own tracking can confirm my SR vid was posted b4 their snail mail unit even arrived.

Lets marvel at publicly stating a influencer had been turned off as if that were some proud thing when the last vid was negative.
Looks like message control cuz it is. And itā€™s the hobby. But stating that is about as bright as posting a soft porn rape image on social media so they are not the smartest folks.

Moondrop fans are and have started the Mele trashing. Sad reflection of how non audio related a lot of the takes on the net are.

BTW, Moondrop was not always so fucking raunchy. It was typical weeb stuff. Otaku manga . No biggie. Recently it has started getting nutz and herbert the clown is a part of that


Per the evidence we just saw from Moondrop today, and your comments (you know a lot more about all of this than I do) I think Moondrop just lost me as a customer. I canā€™t and wonā€™t support this stuff.


Yea I was thinking to give them the benefit of doubt. But for now itā€™s guilty until proven innocent. Real shame since I was about to demo variation, I guess not now

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You like their gear. Because your ears. Just be aware that the phenom of message control exists @Rikudou_Goku and I got cut off from FiiO and me from moondrop and others.
Moondrop is the most extreme version of that.
Problem is that after a year the review history reflects a constant putting over of their goods and using.

I know a hype guy with a small channel who fanboys out to Moondrop and ordered Mele

He commented under my video congratulating me on Mele
I responded with thanks.
reply would not post
He had deleted the comment :man_facepalming:
Now a ā€œMele is not bad but Aria is just a bit betterā€ vid is coming.
Not because of music but because of everything else.
When you see that vidā€¦youā€™ll know it :call_me_hand:

Crin is the only guy that can tell Moondrop stuff sucks cuz he does not need em.
Heā€™s the best person in that area because he is truly without real need of their support


Oh geesh. This all makes me sick.