Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

So stay away from Head Fi.
Zeos made this place and SBAF and others broke away because message control, soft fraud and consumer fraud were just so obvious.
TRINITY is still there.
I @Jude in a post for a guy on pension who lost a month of social welfare money because of Bob
That guy got his post deleted
i got told the thread was left open in the hopes TRINITY would have a forum to fix things.
4 years ago…
I also got told that myself and another member were walking a thin line between assisting and instigating.

You landed in HiFi Guides was a blessing. This is made for music and gear lovers.
Head Fi is built for money


Why was I tagged in your post?

Sorry that was an example of a Headfi tag. …

2 years away. Sorry bro :call_me_hand:

It’s okay to be a weeb or an otaku. The message rule is just plain freaking simple:

Keep your pants on and don’t think of ulterior motives. You put shit out in public of a fictional character in such a humiliating grotesque way says a lot of what kind of person you are IRL. Being enablers and bystanders doesn’t help it at all.

I can shit on Moondrop about their quality control cause I have experienced it multiple times but when I mentioned it previously and everyone else just brushes it off over there so I just let it be and wait to see for Moondrop to improve their QC. Obviously it didn’t when the Variations came out and I read that their face plate came off. These IEMs are not cheap mind you. I have to think 3 to 4 times before I bought the Starfield back in March and it broke on me just barely a month in and I had to replace it TWICE? I was more calm in the situation due to having local warranty, but I can’t imagine for others who had to ship these iems back and had to wait for a very long time for it. it is frustrating.

So what I did with the starfield? Just replace and top it up to the Fiio FD5 which I have now as per @Rikudou_Goku and other’s recommendations here. My FD5 is still working brilliantly 5 months in. I don’t care how good and amazing sounding an IEM can be. If I have to worry about your bloody QC on your iems while I’m trying to listen to my favourite music everytime, I might as well get a lesser sounding IEM that has great QC on their products and enjoy for long hours on end. It’s that simple.


Wow I never knew Moondrop was that bad. I’m with you that the pic is gross, should be deleted and someone should be fired over it, don’t get me wrong. I generally don’t like the whole anime thing because women are usually teens with massive breasts and are unnecessarily oversexualized. One Piece does this too, shame because I quite liked the story but the way they depict women is not what you like to see in this day and age. Is this a topic that is at all discussed in the anime scene?


It is a sub set of the genre
Mostly younger folks but some older ones aswell.
It was everywhere in Japan until about 8 years ago when Child protection/exploitation laws were upped.
Now it’s where you have to look for it. Or in shops that cater to that crowd.
Issue was never the image as that is art appreciated by many and created for them

Depicting your mascot with torn nylons and semen all over her ass as she is on the ground
on public Social media in 2021 is tone deaf at it’s finest. I’m proud that company finds me to not be matching their ideal when it comes to influencers.
That is a compliment.

I’d rather not hype stuff with well known QC probs, but minimized by their influencers.
Who eliminate influencers who do not praise their gear and are not in any position to moraly judge as they and their filth would be rejected and slammed by any woman or parent that is in the SJW world.

They are in the grey area of morality. That is their angle. Disgusting fuckbags

If you are a weeb, otaku, or love some adult imagery…I am not talking to or about you.
Live free or die. Everyone has the right to enjoy what they like.
Companies exploiting girls with X rated shit is the prob.
Thankfully even Moondrop fans balked at the overt sexual smut being public

And again. If Linsoul ever pulled shit like that I would publicly slam them
Nobody on Team Moondrop did that yeterday


Just saw that picture and as a Moondrop Blessing 2 Dusk owner and now also a Mele owner I’m F**king disgusted by it… Let me be the first to apologize to all the women that are in our awesome audio hobby that have had to see this filth… Trust us that we don’t stand for Sh*t like this!


My man 50 grand!! Glad you are around :raised_hands:
You and me agree.
If a woman is a consenting adult…lets goooo!!

Keep that stuff away from where kids might see it though (Twitter/Facebook)

Bruh I’m out riding around my hood on my '96 Haro listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd Free Bird off of the One More from the Road album on the Mele and life couldn’t be any sweeter right now… Chris my man you outdid yourself on this one!!! Bro you don’t understand the gratitude i owe you for creating this iem that’s allowing me to have this moment in time.


One hell of a bike you have there bruv. ride safe

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That’s awesome to hear.

Next time I should speak up. Guess I just thought weirdo’s will be weird not much you can do about it until it becomes a crime. But we should be able to expect more from companies and public figures than from a random weirdo in a basement somewhere with no accountability.


Was just about to say the same thing! Hilarous! :smiley:

He’s like: “W… T… F…?!”


That’s one of the best compliments i have ever gotten in this hobby.
That bike brings back memories.
Looks dope my brother.
Miami is in the house!!


Some great news for you fellow audiofiles. Qualcom just announced “aptx Losless” codec which will use bit perfect compression for 44/16 files. First devices with support expected early 2022.
Pretty exciting.


LZ A2 PRO frequency graph


Hello? Is this the treble police? I’d like to report a murder.

EQ’ers incomming


Yeah, not sure what genre that’s going to fit :grimacing:

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That 2k spike tho…



Dear diary,

My E1DA crapped out :frowning:
A day after I started thinking of upgrading… Is it a sign?

Been eyeing Dethonray Honey H1 DAC/AMP.
I’m thinking it’s a bit more of a serious performer than any dongle and hugely more powerful at 1.25W.

€699 hnngggg

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You need desktop DAC/AMP? If so, lookcno further than this