Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Yeah, no filters on this one either…

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Cool, I think I want something portable though as I will be listening to IEMs mostly on the go.

I’m sort of wary of Topping products ever since the A90/D90 came out. Why? Well because while they measured extremely well, there were multiple reports from reputable reviewers of a sterile, boringly neutral, lifeless sound.

The Dethonray Honey H1 however, is supposed to be hyper lush and musical which is more up my alley. I derive pleasure not from analytical assessment of songs but rather the viscerality of the notes themselves.


What about something like Xduoo XD05 Plus or Topping NX4 DSD? They’re both proven good, this is first time I heard of that Dethronray (did I pronounce it ok?? )

The L&P W2 is meant to be a really good option for IEMs etc, there’s also the option of a used Chord Mojo which is also supposed to be a very nice device.


Can vouch for L&P W2 for iems :slight_smile:


Ah yes, I was interested in the W2 but I think I want to enter the tier above it power wise to really unearth the potential of my IEMs. I’m a big believer in more powah (as long as it’s clean).

Dongles dont really have more power than that. You will need a portable amp or dap instead.


I’d be carefull. My M3X was giving hissing on my TSMR lands, and it’s nowhere near that. If you go 1W @ 32ohm amp, u gonna have a bad time


Yes, that’s my thinking as well. Just really be done with it and buy something a little overkill ( in relation to my budget)

I absolutely can’t stand hiss, at all, so that’s the first thing I looked at and it’s supposedly pitch black dead quiet even on highly sensitive IEMs.

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That’s great then! :raised_hands:

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Land on M6 pro with high gain and M8 in turbo gain are dead silent with Land

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7hz timeless listed on Drop for 199$, worth?

Better DAP, I guess. Prolly less output impedance as well.

HBB recs it, but no one else got it yet. They are not being shipped yet. I’d say get it if the 200$ don’t bother u

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Probably better to wait for the sales on aliexpress. By then we will have more info on it as well.


Patience and IEM junkies rarely go together.


hahah, yeah. Especially with how fast the iem world is moving…

Well, people that buy from drop are patient. That’s why im never buying there

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At least IEMs don’t seem to be as insane as diy mechanical keyboard parts where if you do wait they disappear forever.

Rip. They get discontinued that fast?