Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Did you just make a joke about wanting to be an IEM tip having sex with some of my IEM tips in my IEM organizer? :crazy_face:

I hope you don’t get any of my ear goo in places you wouldn’t want it. Back atcha! :wink:


Tanchjim PRISM


Very pretty and very nice graph, shame it is a hybrid though.


jesus… the look of the iem. its a little ‘shouty’?

1 Like

It gives some energy to vocals. The o2 is still the best set they have made IMO


thanks for insight bruv. now i know where vocal regions are.

Fundamental tool right here


Saved. Thanks for the pointer ma man.

PRISM - and again, it’s not about metal with this upper midds raise. Apparently almost everyone picks them up. Pity !

Well there goes that! Love the Oxygen. Thanks.


edited to be re-visited another time


Fuck. Just tested Mest/Mest Mk2/U12T/EJ07M in a rushed 30mins.

How the fuck do you guys do reviews? My hands are shaking.

Big thumbs up to reviewers, I know I couldn’t do it.


Can’t do em in 30 mins…though some do reviews based on meetups where they borrow and listen a little while, then share a full blown “review” with the world
Don’t sweat it. It’s totally un natural unless you regularly demo in huge shps and get used to the pressure :sweat_smile:

Yeah, it only serves as first quick impressions. I got the opportunity by random chance and figured out that would be better for 30 mins than never hear them, right?

I’m arriving home, gonna try to post my impressions. Just hope people don’t take them as hot takes or biblical, since I’ve had aprox. 6 mins with each one lol

My mind is blown, but not in a way that every people would think it would be.


Nice Nymz! Dang, once things start letting up over here maybe I should demo the MEST that I keep mentioning that’s for sale over here

So what are your thoughts on the MKI vs MkII? :smiley:

Looking forward to reading your take on these :+1:

Today I had an amazing opportunity that I’d like to share with you. By mere random chance, I got offered to join some other testers on some big boi IEMs. I was very excited to try Mest Mk2, but my jaw dropped as soon as I found I was going to test no others than Mest Mk2, Mest OG and U12T. After some talking about tribids, I also got to add EJ07M to the mix. The caveat? I had around 30mins due to the owner flying out of country for holidays after this. He owns some local stores, but he doesn’t live on my city. This was a now or never, and for sure I chose now.

This is my first and only impressions with the gear. I had only around 12h to prepare. Everyone had to bring his own source and tips.

Tips: Spinfit 100/145. Just make sure it seals and go.
Source: M3X with flacs, connected to L&P W2, Balanced 4.4mm

Test tracks:
Agnes Obel - Curse (mids, separation, imaging, stage. instruments timbre)
Eddie Vedder - Guaranteed (Male husky vocals. Details, mids and stage)
Big Boi - Kill Jill (From start to 0:45 - Treble test (vocaloid) + Bass triple hit)
Daft Punk - Aerodynamic (1:00 to 2:20 - Eletric guitar/treble test)
Arctic Monkeys - The view from the afternoon (Starting at 2:15 - Busy track + bad recording)
John Legend - All of me (Starting at 3:25 - Male vocals + distortion + details)
Cirez D - On/Off (Starting at around 5:20 to 6:10 - Overall techno balance between bass and treble)
Massive Attack - Angel (Intro - Sub-bass test)

I tried to do a quick sweep on every IEM with the above tracks, just trying to hear different things on all of them. After around 6mins we would have to swap to our right. Their impressions are told by order I got to try them. Keep in mind is my first experience with kilobuck stuff, it was very early in the morning and I did sweeps on the tracks before with Variations and Teas just to get the feeling going. From the start to the end, room was dead silent, so I can’t judge isolation, even tho I got a seal with all of them. Again, take with a ton of salt and remember YMMV.


I tried the Mest OG first, followed by the MK2. I’m condensing the impressions in one paragraph since they are very alike. To anyone that is not a pro and only gets to ear both for a short period of time (without A/Bing), if they find major differences, they are probably shitting you or justifying their purchase.

This was where all my expectations were invested on. My idea of end-game. Le creme de la creme. And it delivers. 100% OCD friendly. You want details? Go ahead, pick a Mest, you won’t regret. Tuning is very good, as we all know. Hi-fi replay, will pick every defect on your records.

Everything sounds good here. No major flaws for sure. Kickdrums are there, cymbals are there, mids are there, rumble is there. End-game level.

So what’s the caveat? Well, between OG and MK2 I found slight differences to say the best. Maybe a trace of more sub-bass on Massive Attack’s Angel. Mids called me out more on the OG, and Treble seems slight better on MK2, but I wouldn’t call it very different. Speaking of treble, it’s more harsh than I’d expect from it. Not in the bright piercing way, just… Hostile? On Aerodynamic I felt that the present was good, just a lil bit more agressive than it should, but that’s me being picky, YMMV. Replay is great for my ears, but I can see some people calling it “boring”.

Fit is better on MK2, but I could fit OG as easly. Confort for extra-long hours will be on the Mk2 side of the court.

I couldn’t tell a difference from BC, but that’s probably due to my ears or something, for sure I needed more time to appreciate it, I guess.~


After Mests I thought I was done. All it crossed my mind was “It is done, I can die happy right now. Let’s just play around with the follow 2 sets”. Oh boy, were I wrong. Deadly wrong. I was in for a ride. Good fit, instant seal, ready to go.

Let’s just get one thing straight out of the way. U12T is a full BA set. If they had inserted it on my ears with me blind-folded I wouldn’t notice the lack of DD in 6 minutes. The bass is heavenly tuned. It slams when it’s needed and called, and the texture is brilliant. Pretty close to a DD overall. For my library, more than enough. I’d attribute the difference mainly to the sub-bass.

The mids? Brilliant. Mids detail are better than Mest. Timbre is perfect. Agnes Obel sounded like I’ve never heard her before, to a point I considered running the track again and skipping the others. Damn. Mind blown.

Treble is perfect. It’s airy, it’s detailed, it’s there but didn’t mesh with my brain or pierced what-so-ever. Like TSMR Land’s treble on steroids, without the fatigue. Oh boy.

So, what’s the downside? Well, full BA bass is what it is. For me it’s more than fine, for people that have other libraries it might affect. I’d be happy and leaving the hobby with these. It was THE experience, but it costs $2.000USD, so there’s that.


The underdog of the list, but no way it’s going down without a fight. First of all, better than Variations or Lands for my library. Best tribid I’ve tried to date and best fit aswell. Closer to my Mangird Tea preference.

Mids are the star of the show. Holographic, detailed, textured. Agnes was singing, and her room was vibing.

Bass presentation is pretty great as well. Worse sub bass texture than Variations, but better mid bass presentation for my tastes. Angel is better on Variations, but for techno tracks or Kill Jill I prefer EJ07M’s presentation. The problem I have on Var’s mid bass is better fixed on EJ, without over extending it.

Upper treble is more vivid and detailed on Variations, which indicates some better implementation of the EST drivers, but I would not call it night and day. Would be happy with both’s.

So, conclusions:

To me, Mest and Mest Mk2 are the same breed, it’s a matter of fit and bass vs upper mids. Pick you poison. It’s a 500usd difference, so no-one should have an opinion about it but yourself, since it’s your money. I’d try both if you have a chance. I find it will pair great with other sets, specially ones with difference sauces and flavors, like Xenns UP or Variations/Monarch. It’s a true Hifi replay with great detailing.

U12T was the star of the show, but way out of my range. 2k is an heavy hit. Played my test tracks flawlessly and was my favourite of the bunch. If your library depends on DD bass, this might not be for you, but it sure as almost identical bass to most DDs out there. A pure bliss all around.

EJ07M was an enlightment. A clear underdog in today’s market, shadowed by options like TA tribids or Variations. It’s balanced, it’s beautifull and it’s gonna be on my collection. Touché, Shouer.

Without a budget, blind picking any I wanted I’d go: U12T > Mest Mk2 >(due to fit) Mest OG > EJ07M. Bang for buck, i’d pick the exactly way around.

Dimishing returns hit hard. Harder than you expect when you have a chance to try it. You read about it online, everyone repeats it, but you’ll still be shocked by it. Most people will expect 4 times the quality, but that won’t be the case.
Don’t get me wrong, price is quality on these 4. But I’m not sure anymore Kilobuck will be the way for me. Will also depend if you wanna switch gears or have one-to-rule-them-all set. I’ll take some time to reflect on it.


Forgot to mention, but since we’re on this thread anyway, here it goes:

If your library is like 1 to 1 alike HBB’s or you’re into prog metal, get Mest mk2.


Thanks for the write up. It has value to anyone considering any of the sets. Your write up has more info than many “reviews” :raised_hands: